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  1. W

    Help:VBA in Office '03

    I've used this line of code in word 2000 (works like a charm), but it does not work for '03. Sub insert() Dim file As String ChDir ("C:\test") file = Dir("*.doc") Do While file <> "" With Selection .InsertFile FileName:=file, Range:="", _...
  2. W

    Exit Loop

    HELP: Stop this LOOP! This is what i'm trying to do: Search whole document for "@~Table" heading Change the Page orientaion of all pages with "@~Table" heading to landscape Change "@~Table" header to "Test" Continue process until all @~table headers are changed...
  3. W

    one big report

  4. W

    Code fix or OLE Automation

    Help: Simple code fix or OLE Automation? i'm trying to merge reports into one word document. here is the code: On Error Resume Next Dim db As DAO.Database, doc As Document, con As Container Set db = CurrentDb() Set con = db.Containers("Reports") For Each doc In con.Documents...
  5. W

    Blank pages in Word

    i've seen this happen when Access is an earlier version than Word.
  6. W

    one big report

    I use this cmd to generate my reports: On Error Resume Next Dim db As DAO.Database, doc As Document, con As Container Set db = CurrentDb() Set con = db.Containers("Reports") For Each doc In con.Documents DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, doc.Name, "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)"...
  7. W

    Need Help; QueeryDef Method?

    Thanks for the info Pat. What i intended to do with the sql statement is to query the reportgenerator table to display what reports are specifed by a chosen region(via list box in a form) Then i want to take the selected reports(pulled from the query) and generate them to a folder on C: I...
  8. W

    Help: QueryDef, ADO, or DAO?

    Here is an idea of what i'm doing: ------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim index As Integer Dim report(5) As String report(0) = "ALL_TableA19" report(1) = "ALL_TableA12" report(2) = "ALL_TableA15a" report(3) =...
  9. W

    Need Help; QueeryDef Method?

    Why wont this work? ---------------------------------------------- Private Sub Command5_Click() Dim MyDb As Database Dim qdf As QueryDef Dim strSQL As String Dim Rst As Recordset Set MyDb = CurrentDb() strSQL = "SELECT ReportGenerator.RptDesignName FROM ReportGenerator WHERE...
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