Code fix or OLE Automation


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Today, 15:16
Jan 15, 2004
Help: Simple code fix or OLE Automation?

i'm trying to merge reports into one word document. here is the code:

On Error Resume Next

Dim db As DAO.Database, doc As Document, con As Container
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set con = db.Containers("Reports")
For Each doc In con.Documents

'DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, doc.Name, "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", "C:\test\" & doc.Name & ".doc", False, ""

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, doc.Name, "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)", "C:\test\Doc1" & ".doc", False, ""
Debug.Print doc.Name

i altered the DoCmd to dump the rtf files into the Word document "Doc1." after i execute the code processes and starts dumping the first report into Doc1. When the second report generates, it replaces the first and so forth. what do i need to add to the code so that it adds the reports to Doc1 instead of replacing them?

Do i need to create an OLE automation?

A Macro in Word maybe?

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