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  1. Fornatian

    Help with a button in a form

    Don't repeat yourself I haven't visited awf for a while so you must bear with me, but I will try and help but it might be painful. You have two tables and the only difference between these two tables is that some records are current ('current') and some records are old ('archive'). This is not...
  2. Fornatian

    Printing PDF files in addition to reports

    Sorry that's beyond me this time
  3. Fornatian

    Printing PDF files in addition to reports

    Cheers Prad, I haven't done any access programming for a while unfortunately, so I am VERY rusty. As I remember though it’s just a case of repeating the code for subsequent documents as in. This is untested because my machine is playing up Application.FollowHyperlink " Path to First Doc to...
  4. Fornatian

    file import and wildcards

    Firstly, you need to start a new thread :)
  5. Fornatian

    Re-Order list (Bubble Sort?)

    I'm a bit rusty but it seems to me that you shouldn't be storing the ranking priority at all because it does not describe the key, only it's precedence, which can be calculated by other means. Here' some SQL you can use which I cannibalised from a qry examples database called smpQRY97: SELECT...
  6. Fornatian

    Drop decimals but keep all numbers?

    If so, just proves how rusty I am :)
  7. Fornatian

    Drop decimals but keep all numbers?

    or just change the function to: Function RemoveCharacter(strSubject, strChar) As String If strSubject = "" then RemoveCharacter = "" Else RemoveCharacter = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(strSubject, strChar, "") End if End Function whcih should catch nulls, as they are converted to...
  8. Fornatian

    Drop decimals but keep all numbers?

    Base the update on a query that only pulls non-null records. Or include that criteria as an condition in another column.
  9. Fornatian

    Drop decimals but keep all numbers?

    Hmm, create a function maybe... I've been out of the game for a while so am a bit rusty. The solution I came up with was to create a user defined function as in: Function RemoveCharacter(strSubject, strChar) As String RemoveCharacter = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(strSubject, strChar...
  10. Fornatian

    Error 3075_code syntax

    Just veering off on a tangent for a second, but I assume you are updating a field value this way? If so, you don't need to because that value can be retrieved using a query if PTRun is unique in the Point Table, if isn't unique then then DLOOKUP would be unreliable.
  11. Fornatian

    Remove Initial From Name

    All functions work within limitations. However if you insist, make a reference to Microsoft Excel 8.0 object library in your VBA references then add this function: Function GetName(strName As String) On Error GoTo my_err Dim strTitle As String strTitle = Left(strName, InStr(1, strName, " "...
  12. Fornatian

    Remove Initial From Name

    Let's assume the string is "Mr A Smith" Left([aName],InStr(1,[aName]," ",0)) = "Mr ", because it finds the first space and returns everything before it. ReverseString(Left(ReverseString([aName]),(InStr(1 ,ReverseString([aName])," ",0))-1)) Firstly we reverse the string so we get: "htimS A...
  13. Fornatian

    Remove Initial From Name

    try this: firstly include this function in a public module Function ReverseString(linea As String) As String 'This procedure produces a reversal of 'an inputted string. Dim result As String, i As Integer, n As Integer n = Len(linea) result = "" For i = n To 1 Step -1 result = result &...
  14. Fornatian

    What's your best/worst joke?

    The same man gets 'marooned' on a desert island with a rottweiler and a sheep. After many months of resisting his manly needs he starts looking at the sheep with a new found amorous desire. One day, he approaches the sheep and gets within ten feet, when the rottweiler starts growling at him...
  15. Fornatian

    enlarging an image

    If this the case then just make a copy of the image control and resize and rename the image controls to imgLarge and imgSmall as I explained above. I never use embedded images in Access as these tend to cause massive database bloat, the best thing to do is store a text string which points at the...
  16. Fornatian

    Single-User Record Locking?

    I don't know if this will help, I doubt it but you can replace all this: If ctl.Selected(I) Then rs!blnStatePick = True Else rs!blnStatePick = False End If with rs!blnStatePick = ctl.Selected(i) because ctl.Selected(i) will return TRUE or FALSE anyway. Does your code fail on any...
  17. Fornatian

    convert csv to xls

    try this code: Public Sub ConvertCSVtoXL(strCSVPath As String) Dim appExcel As Excel.Application 'Switch to Microsoft Excel so it won't go away when you finish. On Error Resume Next AppActivate "Microsoft Excel" 'If Excel isn't running, start and activate it If Err Then...
  18. Fornatian

    enlarging an image

    How do you relate the combo selection to the image? Is the smaller image bound to the countrol source, if so just bind both images to the same field. Otherwise if you obtain the image using a link to a file on your hard drive/network using a stored path then you need something like this in the...
  19. Fornatian

    convert csv to xls

    can u please post the original csv file and your formatting requirements, thanks. sorry I didn't have enough time to lookat it yesterday but I do night work and was knackered when I got in.
  20. Fornatian

    convert csv to xls

    Post me one of your files and i'll take a look at it tomorrow, also I know it's a daft question but is the column too narrow to display the entire contents?
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