Printing PDF files in addition to reports


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:24
Jan 30, 2003
Heres the situation, I have a GUI that the end user enters the data into. When they have completed the information, they click on a PRINT button to generate the report. I have modled the report from an issued form (PDF) that we are suppossed to use. My question, is there a known way to print the PDF file as well as the report from the click of a single button? I would like to trigger the printing of the a single page PDF file, my report, then the second PDF file containing the remainder of the original document.
I have attempted many things and had some unsuccessful (but interesting) results. Now I fear my last hope lies in code, my weaker point.
Any suggestions?

This code will automatically print a pdf, I can't yet work out how to close adobe acrobat after though.

Application.FollowHyperlink "D:\My Documents\WorkRelated\Taxis\testpdf.pdf"
SendKeys "%(FP)"
SendKeys "~", True
your code works! how do you print multiple reports located in different folders?

Thank you!
Cheers Prad,

I haven't done any access programming for a while unfortunately, so I am VERY rusty. As I remember though it’s just a case of repeating the code for subsequent documents as in. This is untested because my machine is playing up

Application.FollowHyperlink " Path to First Doc to Print "
SendKeys "%(FP)"
SendKeys "~", True

Application.FollowHyperlink " Path to Second Doc to Print "
SendKeys "%(FP)"
SendKeys "~", True

Application.FollowHyperlink " Path to Third Doc to Print "
SendKeys "%(FP)"
SendKeys "~", True


Hope that works

For some reason I was unsubscribed to the thread. I appreciate the info Ian and I will look into it. I actually used Adobe Acorbat 6 Full feature of ADBC which works very well with Access. It links the forms to the datasource and then will "Spawn" one competed form for every record in the database.
another question....some of the PDF reports I am printing contain 7 or 8 pages. I get an error message saying it can NOT open 2nd set of PDF reports while it is still printing first set of reports.

Is there any way to tell Access NOT to start opening 2nd set of reports until it's done with the first set of reports?

Thank you!!!!

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