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  1. wiklendt

    Help with Custom Data Validation rule via app script in Google Sheets

    ha ha ha, i'm doing all right so far :)
  2. wiklendt

    Help with Custom Data Validation rule via app script in Google Sheets

    Awesome suggestions,thanks Uncle Gizmo! Yes i agree, i actually expected to see some google stuff here on AWF especially as apps script seems googles equivalent of VBA, but, of course, it's not Access.
  3. wiklendt

    Help with Custom Data Validation rule via app script in Google Sheets

    Hi everyone, Our school is moving to G Suite. I want to create/modify a script in one of my google sheets which will add a once-off validation rule to a column in one of my sheets. For each cell in column C (starting with C2), return a range from the same row but using columns I2:AA2 as the...
  4. wiklendt

    Loop to detect when .ldb closed within a time limit

    Hi, yes I have seen DCrake's db and had actually modelled some of my code on it. I think I will have to implement more of it in my database and try to run everything from the FE - when I last used it as standalone (I don't know how old the version I have is - have had it a while) at work, the db...
  5. wiklendt

    Loop to detect when .ldb closed within a time limit

    Id love to know how to convert my Access.mdb databases to SQL server but I lack both knowledge and time (maybe also motivation?) at the moment. Yes, my database is mdb - the ".ldb" is the record lock file that is created when FE.mdb links with BE.mdb LOL, you assume I know what i'm doing...
  6. wiklendt

    Loop to detect when .ldb closed within a time limit

    Hi moke123, yes i have connections from FE to BE. unsure how I'd access the BE data otherwise? To ensure no connections to BE for compacting i have created the SE. Is that a second vote to disconnect FE/BE and just do conpact/repair from FE? Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  7. wiklendt

    Loop to detect when .ldb closed within a time limit

    Scheduled task is tricky as the db is in a networked environment where our IT dept has made it impossible to use anything remotely useful. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  8. wiklendt

    Loop to detect when .ldb closed within a time limit

    Thanks for your quick reply ridders. I have thought about other approches and I was under the impression that a compact is risky for BE data integrity when there's an .ldb on the BE. Does the BE even compact when .ldb present? Also, BE.ldb from FE will always be present because the mere...
  9. wiklendt

    Loop to detect when .ldb closed within a time limit

    Hi all, long time no see. I have cobbled together a Side-end (SE) which is triggered by Front-end (FE) to Compact/Repair (C/R) the Back-end (BE) in an automated way when users are not connected. Basically, I have the SE "wait" for the FE to do its own C/R on close, and I've chosen a very safe...
  10. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    A quick google search would have provided the same information, sometimes with screenshots. The workbook i uploaded already has this setup for you. Test this by trying to type over one of the cells in the sheet. If you are asking actually how i did this: 1) right click on the cell you want to...
  11. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    I've arrived at work now so I won't be able to look at this again until tonight. I have, hopefully steered you in the right direction.
  12. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    For what it's worth, i always have a 'friendly' text that is displayed for users, but i always name my associated file(s) by the primary key for that record - that way, if any data change, the underlying files are only associated with the primary key (that cannot change) and remain associated...
  13. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    OK, so you first need to create the new directory. Use "MkDir" to first create the directory, then follow that up with your "Name" statement. I've not used "Name" before, so i'm not sure if deletes the old path and file, so if you need it removed you may also need "RmDir" (to delete old folders)...
  14. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    So folder "X:\BASE DATAS\Yamaha\GTC 2.14 - John Mayer\" already exists before you make any changes? Renaming a folder is not the same as having two pre-existing folders. I just want to be clear i understand your situation. "Name" requires that both the old and new folders already exist in the...
  15. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    ok my project did something different involving deleting an image file and replacing it with a new one. never the less, i think we can sort this out. i checked the microsoft help file for the Name statement and it appears that all the folders you need to use (new and old) need to already...
  16. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    I can check some of my old code in about an hour. I think I've done something like this before.
  17. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    Also, if the user has changed txturlpic, then oldlink1 won't work anymore, I'd have thought.
  18. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    Bit rusty on "Name" : what does MS Access Help tell you "Name" is used for?
  19. wiklendt

    Rename folder and file

    Have you done debugging on the code: Which line returns the error?
  20. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    I am glad it is suitable for you. Unfortunately it is against my personal policy to give out my personal contact details. I much prefer, when you have a problem, to post it on this site (it also has an excel forum). That way, more people with similar problems can also follow a solution and if...
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