OK, to help you resolve your problem, we need to first 'un-excel spreadsheet" your access tables. Please provide the following:
- a screenshot of your relationship view (which includes all your tables)
- or, even better - upload your database as it is now.
then we can work on making sure you have your database structured in a way that will allow you to do what you want it to do.
- a description of what you want the database in general to do (e.g., i work for a small pawn broker and we want to keep track the balance from our lendees... etc etc)
- what your spreadsheet currently does and how it works (does it have more than one sheet? does it have graphs? does it link to other excel files? etc) - perhaps some sample data or upload a (sanitized) version of it (that is, don't include personal/private info)
- a description of the environment your spreadsheet is currently working (e.g., is it located on a work server, do multiple people have/need access to it? do you import data into it from somewhere else, or is it all manually updated? etc)
- why you want to port your excel process into access: that is, what do you want to be able to do that your excel sheet cannot (you said the excel works perfectly, so why upgrade?)
once we have your structure sorted out, then we can work on getting the functionality set up.
hi wiklendt,
are you have study my case?
is there any progress...?
Also, you said you have an excel spreadsheet where everything you want works perfectly - could you attach your excel file and i might be able to get a better understanding of what data you have and what you want to get out of the data. i can also interrogate your excel formulas to get a better understanding of how you want to manipulate the data.
- a description of what you want the database in general to do (e.g., i work for a small pawn broker and we want to keep track the balance from our lendees... etc etc)
- what your spreadsheet currently does and how it works (does it have more than one sheet? does it have graphs? does it link to other excel files? etc) - perhaps some sample data or upload a (sanitized) version of it (that is, don't include personal/private info)
- a description of the environment your spreadsheet is currently working (e.g., is it located on a work server, do multiple people have/need access to it? do you import data into it from somewhere else, or is it all manually updated? etc)
- why you want to port your excel process into access: that is, what do you want to be able to do that your excel sheet cannot (you said the excel works perfectly, so why upgrade?)
hi wiklendt, hope you will fine..
i have a question about last conversation
how i can protect Report sheet except prod. date cell