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    Problem in printing current month

    Could you please check the sample attachment I posted and recommend me a solution.
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    #Name and #Error

    Any help on it?
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    Problem in printing current month

    When I used that it is printing Jan instead of Aug. Any help
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    #Name and #Error

    When I am trying to print =FirstDayOfMonth(Now()) it gives error. Please check the attachment.
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    Problem in printing current month

    #Name error in the Report I am a begginer using MS-Access. I trying to create a report which display the current month in the report. Could you please check the attachement.
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    Change the mouse icon

    I have to change the mouse icon to hour glass when the code is running in MS-Access. Once it is done it should change back to the arrow. Any hints on it. Thanks
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    Problem with Combo box

    My code in example is not robust. If the user selects "aa" first in the first combo box and wants to change to "bb" , which is already there in the second combo box. It should not take that ID. Can any one help me with it. Please check the attachment below.
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    Problem with Combo box

    Could you please check my code. I have 10 comboxes in my actual form so need to do somthing dynamically rather than static. I have used AfterUpdate event and wrote code to check it. Could you please check it and let me know where the error is there?
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    Problem with Combo box

    Hey could you please check the attachment. I have like 4 comboxes and this should be applied to all. Any help
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    Problem with Combo box

    I have a list of combo boxes. For example: If I select a value "aa" in first combo it should accept it, as it is not selected before If I select the same value"aa" in the second combo box, it should not accept it as it has already been selected and should make the values NULL. But if a...
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    Problem with SQL query

    I have a table tblMain with fields PID, PName, Check (Here the Check value is True/False) tblMain PID PName Check 1 X True 2 Y True 3 Z False I have another table tblChange with fields PID,RID,Month,Value tblChange PID RID Month Value 1 1 1/1/2008 3 1 2 2/1/2008 4 2 1 1/1/2008 5 2 2...
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    Toggle Button

    I also have horizontal scrollbar, as I move the scroll bar it moves months. For example: Jan ... Dec , Jan ...Dec. So I need 100's of Fields in the table. Any help?
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    Toggle Button

    Can you help me with the database I posted i.e."toggle" because my form is very similar to that form.
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    Toggle Button

    I a grid and a toggle button. I have 3 tables.tblResource, tblNeed, tblAvailable When I press on togglebutton(TRUE), the information should be displayed in the grid from tblAvailable. This information should be hidden when we again press the toggle bar(i.e toggle button is FALSE) and the...
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    Problem in FindFirst

    I am getting an error Syntax error in date expression rstDemanded.FindFirst "[Month]=#" & Forms!frmProject("txtMonth" & intMonth) & _ "# AND [ID] =" & Forms!frmProject("txtRID" & intRow) & "AND [PID] =" & labPID Any help
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    Problem with SQL

    Hey Thanks. It worked.
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    Problem with ECount function

    Hey the label gets value from different form. Any Help
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    Problem with SQL

    Could you please help me with the syntax. Set rstCount = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT COUNT(RID) AS RIDCount FROM ("SELECT DISTINCT[RID] FROM tblResource WHERE [PID] =" & labPID) intX = rstCount!RIDCount Where to give quations..etc. Any Help
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    Problem with ECount function

    labID is a label in the form which has a value.
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    Problem with ECount function

    X = ECount("[ID]", "tblResource", "[ProjectID] =" & Me.labID, True) I still get error says that &Me.labID function or sub not defined. Any help
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