Problem with Combo box


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:26
Jun 2, 2008
I have a list of combo boxes.

For example:

If I select a value "aa" in first combo it should accept it, as it is not selected before

If I select the same value"aa" in the second combo box, it should not accept it as it has already been selected and should make the values NULL. But if a different value is selected which is not selected before in the comboxes it should take it.

Please find attached sample.

Any help is really appreciated.


try something in the afterupdate event of the 2nd combo

if me.combo2=me.combo1 then
end if
Hey could you please check the attachment.

I have like 4 comboxes and this should be applied to all.

Any help
ok so run the check for each combo box then.

if me.combo1=me.combo2 OR me.combo1=me.combo3 etc...
Could you please check my code.

I have 10 comboxes in my actual form so need to do somthing dynamically rather than static.

I have used AfterUpdate event and wrote code to check it.

Could you please check it and let me know where the error is there?
My code in example is not robust.

If the user selects "aa" first in the first combo box and wants to change to "bb" , which is already there in the second combo box. It should not take that ID.

Can any one help me with it.

Please check the attachment below.


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