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    Problem importing text file into Table

    "Hey Hudson, I totally agree with what Lagbolt said but I just found the tone of the email rather sarcastic, and I understand your backing him up since I am a newbie. On a positive note I was able to get everthing working on my own. Thanks for now guys. Doesn't sound like a stomp to me...
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    Problem importing text file into Table

    Wiklendt, Not sure why you are replying back over two months later. If it is for the solution, I have moved on to other projects since, so it might be a little hard to find the solution for this one. A few others replied saying that his comments weren't out of line and I accepted that, I just...
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    Problem importing text file into Table

    Hey Hudson, I totally agree with what Lagbolt said but I just found the tone of the email rather sarcastic, and I understand your backing him up since I am a newbie. On a positive note I was able to get everthing working on my own. Thanks for now guys.
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    Problem importing text file into Table

    Hey Lagbolt, Thanks for the wonderful tidbits of information. I would appreciate if you didn't reply to any of my posts, as the two replies that you have provided have not been of any assistance to me, I am pretty sure that I can get some actual help from just about anyone else, DUDE!!
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    Problem importing text file into Table

    Ok, I have been able to fix more of my code. I am now able to populate the second listbox with the data contained in the text file. I am now trying to get this data imported into my access table and seem to be having problems with the Connection object, getting the error, "Run time error'91'...
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    Problem importing text file into Table

    Ok maybe I should break my problem down. I have the code working to search a particular folder and display all of the txt files from this folder in a list box(lstFiles). What I would next like to do is populate a second listbox(lstFileLines) with the Tab delimited data contained in the...
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    Problem importing text file into Table

    Hi there, Can someone please look at my code and help me out help. I am trying to convert over VB code to work with VBA in Access 2003. The code to list all of the available text files in a particular folder is working fine, and they get populated in a listbox called lstFiles, the problem is...
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    Need help creating a utility to import text files into a table

    This may be a bigger project than I first thought but what I need to do is import a text file into an existing table. First of all I have created a form with a listbox that I would like to be able to store the text file in. How do I go about loading the text file from my hard drive to the...
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    Inserting data from textboxes to table

    I now get the following error: Runtime error: 3078 The Micosoft Jet Database Engine cannot find the input table or query 'frmtabCards'. make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly. I do not have a query for anything here. I only have frmtabCards in the FROM clause of the...
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    Inserting data from textboxes to table

    To break down my task, can someone tell me what is wrong with my code: Private Sub cmdAddCardToCollection_Click() DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Collection ([CardId],[CardNo],[[ConditionId],[Quantity])" SELECT Me.txtCardId.Text, Me.txtCardNo.Text, Me.cboCondition.Value...
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    Inserting data from textboxes to table

    Wondering if someone can help me out. Upon click of an Add Card To Collection button I would like to save the values of two textboxes into the fields of a table. First of all the textboxes are filled when a record in a listbox is clicked through the control source property, and I would like to...
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    Displaying fields from listbox to textboxes

    Can someone help me out? I have a listbox that is populated with data from a recordset. I would like to know how to display the data on a record in the listbox when clicked into the corresponding textboxes on the botom of the form. I have the following textboxes on the bottom txtCardNo...
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    Values of recordset to textbox

    My database is coming along quite nicely. Presently when I click a button I have a recordset that hits the database a populates the fields of data on a listbox according to my SQL statement. The data that is displayed is all of the sportscards in a particular set, which I previously chose...
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    Cascading comboboxes

    Everything is working great to this point, able to select a subset from the subset combobox. I have added a list box that will display the cards from my card table within that particular subset. How do I code to have this listbox populate when I select the subset. I am pretty sure that I have...
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    Cascading comboboxes

    Hey JANR, Just wondering what code I would have to put in the rowsource of cboSubset to have a list of subsets populate after I select a manufacturer then a set. I have added data to the subset table, also added a SetId field and have also added a second after update event for cboSet. I...
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    Cascading comboboxes

    I tried the code that you provided in the rowsource of cboSet still no go. I even tried reversing the table and field names in the code but still the same. Attched is the db (AnotherTry.mdb), thanks so much for all of the help.
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    Cascading comboboxes

    Wondering if anyone else can help, I tried two different examples of cascading comboboxes still cannot get the 2nd combo (cboSet) to populate This is my most recent code: Private Sub cboManufacturer_AfterUpdate() ' Update the row source of the cboSet combo box ' when the user makes a...
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    Cascading comboboxes

    I'm sure my question is very simple but I just can't get it to work. I have two tables: 1. Manufacturer with ManId and ManDesc 2. Set with SetId, SetDesc and ManId Two comboboxes: 1. cboManufacturer which is displaying all of the manufacturers in the table from the rowsource property. 2...
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    Memo Field issue

    Thanks Rabbie, works great.
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    Memo Field issue

    Can someone please help? I have a memo field on a subform, when the form is run the text box appears to be able to be able to hold 8 lines of text before the scroll bar kicks in which is fine. My question is if the user enters just two words on at the beginning of the text box how can the...
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