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  1. P

    Is there an easy way to change all of a control's format properties

    I have a button on my form that I want to change color depending on some other value on the form. With the plethora of properties involved in doing this, is there something like the format painter that I can use in VBA? My plan was to copy the properties from other butons: With...
  2. P

    Question Access Help (Deverloper Reference) style is screwed up.

    I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Guess how helpful a Google search for "Access Help" has been? :( The new Access 2010 help system (select problem code, hit F1), aside from being almost uselessly based on Bing, has become partly unreadable. Keywords in the text are 3 or 4 times the size...
  3. P

    MS Office 2010 Icons

    I would like to use more that just the default icons for buttons in my forms. I found this thread that says what must be done, but it doesn't say how. How do I reference an MSO image "by it's MSO ID"? I've tried various things with the Picture property but it always says it can't open the file.
  4. P

    Get the "Replace" out of Find/Replace

    I have a find button on my form that opens the Find/Replace dialog. Because I don't want my users wantonly replacing half the entries in the table, my find button first sets AllowEdits to False. The problem I'm having is setting it back to True when the dialog is closed. I've found that if I set...
  5. P

    Finally got my subReport to grow and shrink!

    I've been fighting with this thing for a while, searching all over the internet, and I finally stumbled onto the solution with random clicking :) I'm using Access 2010 and I needed a report in my navigation form, but I wanted the user to be able to filter from an unbound text box and click a...
  6. P

    Getting subforms to manipulate eachother on a navigation form

    I'm having trouble passing data between subforms on my new navigation form (frmNavigator). Before, I just used OpenArgs and the Split function in the opened form's OnLoad. I'm trying to keep it simple (haha) by using my existing forms as subforms. So, I have a subform--frmSCLEdit--that displays...
  7. P

    Delete/replace controls and code without corrupting the front-end

    I've just wasted about 3 hours trying to reconstruct a form because (i think) deleting a control and then replacing it with a new one with the same name causes compile errors. <background> I started this project a couple of years ago but my skills and creative vision did not fit the schedule...
  8. P

    Tip 2000 to 2010 transition troubles

    Hello, I just wanted to post this in case someone else is having the same issues or perhaps someone has comments on what I could have done differently. I have been supporting a database for a couple of years now based on Access 2000. It's not used very often and all the files together are less...
  9. P

    How to check for an open recordset?

    I have some code that looks something like this: If Nz(some_field, "") then err.Raise 94, etc. strSQL = "SQL query" Set db = CurrentDb() Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL) bunch more code... Exit_MyFunction: rst.Close Set rst = Nothing Set db = Nothing...
  10. P

    Corrupted front-end?

    Here goes... I have a front-end I use at work that I have customized to keep my sanity. Save buttons work, tab orders are logical, "hidden" double-click events to bring up useful forms, that sort of thing. (The guy in charge of the database wears several hats and Database Manager is a fairly...
  11. P

    Order of operations for canceled edit.

    Which events trigger when an edit is canceled? I have some SQL that adds a record to a junction table when it is not in the list. If the user cancels the edit (i.e. hits escape part way through the form) I want to remove the record from the junction table. Thanks
  12. P

    Propagate data across junction tables

    I am trying to set up a database to track devices my company manufactures, the fixtures used to test them, equipment used with the fixtures and programs that run the fixtures, among other things. Right now I have: tblAssemblies tblFixtures tblEquipment tblPrograms They all have many-to-many...
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