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  1. chewy

    SQL Query help

    I have a table in an SQL database. The field data is in the format "12/29/2003 1:00:00 PM" I cannot change that! I was wondering how to run a query that will change all the dates with "12/29/2003" irregardless what the time was. I have this UPDATE POSTransHist SET POSTransHist.DateTime =...
  2. chewy

    How do I COMPLETLY uninstall MSDE?

    I need to uninstall MSDE for a program to install it. When I uninstall it and reinstall the software it give me an error every time that it cant find the path c:\program files\microsoft SQL Server\data\osql.exe or similar to this. It use the uninstall in the add remove programs, and I delete...
  3. chewy

    help with SQL statement syntax

    I have a sql statement. It is a phone number field. I want to if there is a 1 infront of the phone number to take it out. The phone would look like this: 1 (315) 344-3312 The statement I am using is this: UPDATE Customers SET Customers.Phone =...
  4. chewy

    closing Excel Instance

    I se automation to fill in data from Access into Excel to email to a customer. The automation works fine and it fills it in with the correct data. However the part that doesnt workquite right is closing Excel. I will keep an instance open in the Task Manager. So if the I try to ipen another...
  5. chewy

    sendobject attachment

    I have users who use win NT and I want an automatic email to be generated. So I cant use the SMTP method, since it is Win NT. So I am resorting to using Private Sub Command0_Click() DoCmd.SendObject , , , "", , , "test Subject", "BODY" End Sub How would I add an...
  6. chewy

    how would I run a DROP DATABase SQL

    How would I run this code to delete a database? "DROP TABLE myDatabase" Is this more a Oracle type DB command? ie not for Access.
  7. chewy

    check if application is running

    I am calling the windows calculator from my DB from a button using a shell call. IT works fine however if the user clicks the button again it will start a new instance of calculator. I would like to be able to stop this before they open it if it already running. How do I check if the windows...
  8. chewy

    Query Relationship Help

    I have two tables that you can see from the attachment. What I need to do is have a query that looks up the info from the two tables and returns the itemDesc, the AmtonHand and the ReorderAmt. I just dont know how to set the SQL up for this or if I am having problems because of my...
  9. chewy

    SQL Question

    What is the difference between SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName = 'Majewski'; and SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName = "Majewski"; When will you run into trouble switching the single and double quotes? Or will I not run into trouble
  10. chewy

    how to store half day

    I have a table that stores beginning vacation and ending holiday date. I use =IIf(IsNull([Day]) Or IsNull([DayTo]),1,funWorkDaysDifference([Day],[DayTo])) to get the work days between the dates. I used to manually enter how many days was between those dates but after I found that formula I...
  11. chewy

    query based on table value

    I have 2 tables that stores inventory for a department. tblItemInfohas a field ItemDesc and a ReorderAmt field. The other table is tblCurrentInv which has itemDescID and AmtOnHand. I want to make a query that runs through the ItemDesc and pick out all Items that are below their reorder amt...
  12. chewy

    Table Design Question

    I am making an inventory database that will record how much inventory is on hand for our department. I want to record for example how many pens are on hand . How many pads of paper. etc... I have a question about how to link everything together. I want the Inventory table to look up what...
  13. chewy

    can someone download a treeview example for me?

    For some reason I cannot download examples from the microsoft site. Any ways I was looking into getting an example of a treeview. I found one at but I cant...
  14. chewy

    Spell Check in forms

    Sorry this might have been deceptive, probably should be in the Word forum. How would I spell check in Word if I use form fields in Word 97? It only spell checks in the document itself. Not in the form fields. Thanks!
  15. chewy

    print "special" characters

    How would I be able to print out If MsgBox(""" & Me.CustomerID.Text & "" is not in the list!" & vbCrLf & "Add it?", vbOKCancel, "Add New Customer Confirmation") = vbOK Then I want to put the CustomerID in quotes
  16. chewy

    Crystal Report Question

    I may be needing to use Crystal Reports soon and was wondering if anyone uses it or could point me to a place where I could get some info about it. Maybe a tutorial or something like that. I have it and installed it, but am not sure how to implement it. It doesnt seem to be a stand alone...
  17. chewy

    Please Wait...Processing Form

    I made a form to launch right before I am going to write to a file that takes about 5 or more seconds and want to display a form that says it is processing. I can do this but the form does load but it doesn't fully load the caption so anyone can see it. How can I force it to fully load before...
  18. chewy

    Check out my new database

    well, here is my one of my newest ventures. Please feel free to check it out and critisize away. Or email me your comments/suggestion/hate mail to Thanks
  19. chewy

    display as currency on form

    Why wont this display mySum as currency? Private Sub Command16_Click() Dim mycount As Variant Dim strSQL As String Dim mySum As Currency 'checks to see if the start date comes after the end date for error checking purposes If StartDate > EndDate Then 'error that start comes after end date...
  20. chewy

    normalization question - Break the rules?

    I have a db that has a list of customer names for check processing. I have the customer name in a sererate lookup table for the main form. On the main form however I have the customer name (which is looked up fro the customer name table) and a customer # (which is not inthe customer name...
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