Having looked at a variety of Json-Access articles and some code, I can now see that although there is a structure to json,
there is no data that directly relates to table column, related table as we have in database. What the various converters do
is very dependent on the json string(file) supplied. This is especially true when you have arrays and embedded arrays in the
json.Many json to csv will give a field per every field in every record.
json to text test in the xlsm example at vba JSON parser example xlsm from
https://github.com/omegastripes/VBA-JSON-parser/releases by
omegastripes@yandex.ru is worth
investigating if you need to parse json and have Excel familiarity.
Various json to csv converters work well if the json is fairly simple --no embedded arrays (at least that's what I have found and
I admit to little knowledge of json and Excel).
The jsonToAccess utility (Shiji Pan at
https://www.withdata.com/jsontoaccess/download.html) can work well with simple json
with a little manipulation (no embedded arrays) and handles multiple single arrays (that is not embedded). Shiji did respond to my
email request, but I find the material lacks documentation for the average user. There is a cost for the routine ~$50 US. He offers
other converters (for a fee) --I tried the DataFileConverter and found that it did not process the sample json file with embedded
arrays ( a somewhat complex structure).
regex json parser by
omegastripes@yandex.ru at Stack Overflow seems to be the most professional and thorough routine,
but it is not designed to create Access tables. However, I think it is a base that a "programmer" could evolve/adapt.
In my limited tests (and knowledge) it certainly handles embedded arrays etc. and claims the parser to be based on a json standard.
I am still looking for sample data from peskywinnets whose post got me interested in looking at ways to handle webservice
responses in json format with Access and vba.
Ridders and sxschech have offered some other routines/methods.
PS: I have attached the modified json file MultiSquad_JED_Modified_json.txt. My original MultiSquad_JED.json was modified by the supplier of the JsonToAccess utility mentioned earlier in this thread. Both versions of that file passed the json validator/viewer, but neither was successfully processed by the JsonToAccess utility.
Had to change the extension in order to attach it here.