Solved Saving Received Json Data in one MS Access table


Local time
Tomorrow, 01:59
Jan 21, 2020
First my apologies people one team member helped on the most complex saving Json in access table, I thought the one below was simpler, and so I was going to manage it without problems, but it is simply saving air only in the table.

Where do I go wrong here?

Received Json from cloud server which I need to save in my MS Access table.

   "resultCd": "000",
   "resultMsg": "It is succeeded",
   "resultDt": "20240217165848",
   "data": {
      "itemList": [
            "taskCd": "7968210",
            "dclDe": "20231122",
            "itemSeq": 65,
            "dclNo": "C 82282-2023-KZU",
            "hsCd": "73262090",
            "itemNm": "POT RACK - 500MM PER MTR GALVANISE",
            "imptItemsttsCd": "2",
            "orgnNatCd": "ZA",
            "exptNatCd": "ZA",
            "pkg": 1,
            "pkgUnitCd": "PK",
            "qty": 0.02,
            "qtyUnitCd": "GRO",
            "totWt": 2,
            "netWt": 2,
            "spplrNm": null,
            "agntNm": "ESSE CLEARING LIMITED",
            "invcFcurAmt": 3323.85,
            "invcFcurCd": "ZAR",
            "invcFcurExcrt": 1.26
            "taskCd": "7968210",
            "dclDe": "20231122",
            "itemSeq": 64,
            "dclNo": "C 82282-2023-KZU",
            "hsCd": "73262090",
            "itemNm": "POT RACK - 500MM PER MTR GALVANISE",
            "imptItemsttsCd": "2",
            "orgnNatCd": "ZA",
            "exptNatCd": "ZA",
            "pkg": 1,
            "pkgUnitCd": "PK",
            "qty": 0.02,
            "qtyUnitCd": "GRO",
            "totWt": 2,
            "netWt": 2,
            "spplrNm": null,
            "agntNm": "ESSE CLEARING LIMITED",
            "invcFcurAmt": 3323.85,
            "invcFcurCd": "ZAR",
            "invcFcurExcrt": 1.26

VBA code being used to grab the above fields.

Private Sub CmdImports_Click()
Dim n As Integer
Dim Request As Object
Dim strData As String
Dim stUrl As String
Dim Response As String
Dim requestBody As String
Dim Company As New Dictionary
Set Company = New Dictionary

stUrl = "http://localhost:8080/sandboxty/imports/selectImportItems"

Set Request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
Company.Add "tpin", "1002623668"
Company.Add "bhfId", "000"
Company.Add "lastReqDt", Format((Me.txtImportDate), "YYYYMMDD000000")
strData = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(Company, Whitespace:=3)
requestBody = strData
    With Request
        .Open "POST", stUrl, False
        .setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/json"
        .send requestBody
        Response = .responseText
    End With
If Request.Status = 200 Then
MsgBox Request.responseText, vbCritical, "Internal Audit Manager"

Dim http As Object, JSON As Object, i As Integer
Dim item As Variant
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblImportDumpdetails", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Set JSON = ParseJson(Request.responseText)
        rs("taskCd") = JSON("taskCd")
        rs("dclDe") = JSON("dclDe")
        rs("itemSeq") = JSON("itemSeq")
        rs("dclNo") = JSON("dclNo")
        rs("hsCd") = JSON("hsCd")
        rs("itemNm") = JSON("itemNm")
        rs("imptItemsttsCd") = JSON("imptItemsttsCd")
        rs("orgnNatCd") = JSON("orgnNatCd")
        rs("exptNatCd") = JSON("exptNatCd")
        rs("pkg") = JSON("pkg")
        rs("pkgUnitCd") = JSON("pkgUnitCd")
        rs("qty") = JSON("qty")
        rs("qtyUnitCd") = JSON("qtyUnitCd")
        rs("totWt") = JSON("totWt")
        rs("netWt") = JSON("netWt")
        rs("spplrNm") = JSON("spplrNm")
        rs("agntNm") = JSON("agntNm")
        rs("invcFcurAmt") = JSON("invcFcurAmt")
        rs("invcFcurCd") = JSON("invcFcurCd")
        rs("invcFcurExcrt") = JSON("invcFcurExcrt")
   MsgBox ("completed Invoice Deatils")

    Set rs = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    Set JSON = Nothing
    Set item = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Attached small database with the table called tblImportDumpdetails just in case the problem could be in the table


Use ("data")("itemList") between JSON and fields required, like:

Sorry didn't notice it was an array, it will also require the index for a specific item JSON("data")("itemList")(1)("taskCd")

please check the reply after this for getting all items, instead of just one.
Last edited:
Since your itemList key is an array, if you want to add all of those, you will require a for each loop, like
Dim Item As Object
For Each Item In JSON("data")("itemList")
rs("tableField") = Item("jsonField")
Many thanks Edgar again you have come to my rescue at the time when I spent 12 hours battling with this, we are lucky to have you on this platform

Many thanks to your sir



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