Balloon Callback (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:57
Apr 17, 2001
I'm using the Balloon feature of the Assistant to prompt the user to select how to proceed with a process. The problem is that I want to exit sub if a problem occurs in the callback. I will paste the code below, but essentially here is what going on: The record begins as status=1. The user clicks cmdProcess. All relavent fields are checked for data, if not exit sub. If all fields contain data, the assistant appears and prompts the user to specify the output of a report (email,fax,preview,print). Only after the selection is made and the report is output do I want status to be bumped to 2.
If an error occurs during output or if the user cancels output I want to exit sub before the status if bumped up.

Private Sub cmdProcess_Click()
Dim ctl As Control, subfrm As SubForm
Dim strStatus As String
Dim strctlvalue As String
Dim strctltext As String
Dim offBalloon As Office.Balloon
strStatus = Status

 For Each ctl In Me.Controls
  If (ctl.Tag = strStatus) And ctl.Visible = True Then
     If ctl.ControlType <> acSubform Then
        strctlvalue = Nz(ctl.Value, 0)
        If strctlvalue = "0" Then
           MsgBox "You must enter all required information before processing."
           Exit Sub
        End If
     End If
  End If
 Next ctl
Select Case Status
Case 1, 4
 Set subfrm = Me!sec1sub
Case 2
 Set subfrm = Me!sec2sub
Case 3
 Set subfrm = Me!sec3sub
Case 5, 6
 Set subfrm = Me!sec4sub
Case 7
 Set subfrm = Me!sec5sub
End Select
For Each ctl In subfrm.Controls
 If ctl.Tag = strStatus Then
 strctltext = ctl.Name
 MsgBox ctl.Name
     strctlvalue = Nz(ctl.Value, 0)
     If strctlvalue = "0" Then
       MsgBox "You must enter all required information before processing."
       Exit Sub
     End If
  End If
 Next ctl
 Select Case Status
 Case 1
    Set offBalloon = Application.Assistant.NewBalloon
    With offBalloon
       ' Show the Office Assistant.
       .Parent.Visible = True

       ' Set the heading and text of the balloon.
       .Heading = "Processing Options"
       .Text = "How would you like to process the Customer's RGA form?"

       ' Make the balloon modeless.
       .Mode = msoModeModeless

       ' Display the Cancel Button.
       .Button = msoButtonSetCancel
       .Labels(1).Text = "Preview"
       .Labels(2).Text = "Print"
       .Labels(3).Text = "Fax"
       .Labels(4).Text = "Email"
       flgCancel = False
       .Callback = "WhichButton"
    End With
End Select
If flgCancel = True Then Exit Sub
Status = Status + 1
end sub

Public Sub WhichButton(bln As Balloon, iBtn As Long, iPriv As Long)
On Error GoTo call_error
 Dim strdocname As String
 strdocname = "report1"

    Assistant.Visible = False
    Select Case iBtn
       Case 1
          DoCmd.OpenReport strdocname, acPreview
       Case 2
          DoCmd.OpenReport strdocname, acNormal
       Case 3
          DoCmd.OpenReport strdocname, acViewPreview
       Case 4
          DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, strdocname, , , , , , , True
       Case msoBalloonButtonCancel
          flgCancel = True
          Exit Sub
    End Select
End Sub

[This message has been edited by charityg (edited 05-31-2001).]

[This message has been edited by charityg (edited 05-31-2001).]

Matthew Snook

NW Salmon Database
Local time
Today, 16:57
Apr 19, 2001
Thanks, though, for the code! It's nice to see how other folks think.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:57
Apr 17, 2001
Glad you liked it. A bit of a haphazard throw-together, but I was just slinging ideas into modules without a proper thinking over. I now set my status in the "WhichButton" callback so I can trap for errors and cancels.

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