I googled live forex ticker websites, quite a few with codes to be copies, as the ttps://www.realtimeforex.com/widgets/forex-web-ticker/ which you supplied.
not familiar with the scrolling marquee so i dumped that on for now. so currently I am looking at the web browser option. Your website is not quite what i am looking for. i would like to just have the running bar if possible but keep in getting the bracket error
I've now looked into this idea properly.
I also had problems with the HTML script from the realtimeforex.com link I supplied in post #7.
However, I found another site that worked perfectly:
That ticker is more customisable in terms of width, speed & colours. It also indicates up/down trends:
The site also has other types of live currency widget scripts including a working forex example - but I prefer this one
The HTML script used for this is:
<iframe src="//www.exchangerates.org.uk/widget/ER-LRTICKER.php?w=600&s=2&mc=GBP&mbg=F0F0F0&bs=yes&bc=000044&f=verdana&fs=10px&fc=000044&lc=000044&lhc=FE9A00&vc=FE9A00&vcu=008000&vcd=FF0000&" width="600" height="30" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>
You can see the currency ticker in action (scrolling) on the currency exchange tracker app page on my website:
Next I decided to make a working application based on this - attached.
This references another temporary page on my website where I've removed all other menu items to keep things simple.
That web page has a live currency rates chart as well as the ticker.
At first I kept getting script errors at startup
To fix that, I had to add a cookie control on that webpage
Click to accept & it will disappear in the usual way.
NOTE: If you still get a script error (possibly two) just click Yes twice
The same principle can be used with other live HTML scripts e.g. share prices / sports results / news updates.
If you can find a suitable script just adapt the widget on the website.
It would be even better to be able to load the HTML script & run it direct in Access without referencing a web page. I haven't looked into this as yet
If this seems useful to others, I'll add it to sample databases later