2016 runtime trust network location


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:07
May 4, 2016
Hi there,

I have a number of tablets with access 2016 runtime installed.
they all pull the same front-end from a network location.
However, I get a pop up regarding trusted locations.

I found some registry edits that will allow this, but I dont have those locations?

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Security\Trusted Locations]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Security\Trusted Locations\Location(n)]

But I have


I found a program that will add trusted locations
but it gives an error in in a foreign language.

How can i add a trusted location when there is no Access folder in the registry ?
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Hi. Just thinking out loud, are you able to create the missing folder/hive in the registry? Just curious...
Sorry it was my bad, I'd logged in as me and not the user -_-
Thank you for your help though.

I now dont get warnings when opening access as I added the drive and sub directories to the registry.

However, when I open a hyperlink to a .PDF stored on the same drive, i get a new warning message about opening and asking if I would like to open it.

Is it possible to to remove this message also?
Sorry it was my bad, I'd logged in as me and not the user -_-
Thank you for your help though.

I now dont get warnings when opening access as I added the drive and sub directories to the registry.

However, when I open a hyperlink to a .PDF stored on the same drive, i get a new warning message about opening and asking if I would like to open it.

Is it possible to to remove this message also?
See if this function helps.
that looks perfect, thanks @theDBguy once again!
I'm having troubles adding this to my form, It says it acts just like hyperlink()
The below doesnt seem to work

Private Sub Command32_Click()
Dim ctl As CommandButton
    Set ctl = Me!Command32
    With ctl
        .Visible = True
        .GoHyperlinkAddress = Me.Text30
    End With
End Sub
ok should of been
Private Sub Command32_Click()
Call GoHyperlink(Me.[Text30])
End Sub

though now i get an error:
Error 5: Cannot locate internet server or proxy server.
ah the issue was with the hyperlink,

If you recall a previous post I made regarding constructing a file a path and i used TRIM() & to trim the path and then concatenate file name.

I needed to trim the file name and not just the path, both had extra space(?) after the chars.

So =Trim([PATH]) & [FILE] using rich text worked fine, but broke Gohyperlink
adding =Trim([PATH]) & Trim([FILE]) fixed the error message.

thanks DBguy for putting me on to that very handy module.
ah the issue was with the hyperlink,

If you recall a previous post I made regarding constructing a file a path and i used TRIM() & to trim the path and then concatenate file name.

I needed to trim the file name and not just the path, both had extra space(?) after the chars.

So =Trim([PATH]) & [FILE] using rich text worked fine, but broke Gohyperlink
adding =Trim([PATH]) & Trim([FILE]) fixed the error message.

thanks DBguy for putting me on to that very handy module.

Hi. Glad you got it sorted out. Cheers!
You know, I still get the pop up asking if i would like to open this file...

though it did fix an issue where clicking with touch screen tried to open it twice resulting in two dialog boxes.

I guess i can live with this! I think its as close as I can get.
I guess we can't win them all.
unfortunate it doesn't, I can't open the runtime as admin.
secondly there isnt a check box to tick

Thanks for your input though!

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