A Father’s Bragging Rights.

Vassago said:
Enough with the political comments in a non-political forum and especially a non-political thread. Please stop.

Thank you. ;) I personally have resolved to just ignore silly comments. :rolleyes:
Rich said:
in theory at least
She just moved up to first chair (first violin) in the orchestra at school. So yeah hard work pays off.
ColinEssex said:
Or fear of failure.


I guess you don’t agree with my style of parenting Col, but I set out to teach her that she could be great.

And by great I also told her that she needs to be humble and help as many people that she can. I told her that greatness is never needing to act like you're superior..

Furthermore I believe that all forms of neurosis have their bases in insecurity. SO I also taught her that when people act mean or "stuck up" it’s because they are not proud of themselves.

Obviously it takes much more than simply fear and reward to help a child become an adult. But encouragement and discipline are the walls built on a foundation of selfless love.
I guess what it all boils down to, is being loved and having hope. All people need both, or nothing in life is going to be OK.
jsanders said:
I guess you don’t agree with my style of parenting Col, but I set out to teach her that she could be great.

And by great I also told her that she needs to be humble and help as many people that she can. I told her that greatness is never needing to act like you're superior..

Furthermore I believe that all forms of neurosis have their bases in insecurity. SO I also taught her that when people act mean or "stuck up" it’s because they are not proud of themselves.

Obviously it takes much more than simply fear and reward to help a child become an adult. But encouragement and discipline are the walls built on a foundation of selfless love.

Haven't you read the warnings regarding posts of a POLITICAL nature here?:confused:
Rich said:
Haven't you read the warnings regarding posts of a POLITICAL nature here?:confused:

I thought we were talking about rasing kids.
jsanders said:
I thought we were talking about rasing kids.
That in itself and especially methods of or lack of discipline is a political hot potato here.
jsanders said:
I guess you don’t agree with my style of parenting Col,
I'm not really in a position to.

All I'm saying is that what appears to be bribery and corruption, and forcing the fear of failure could send out the wrong message. (note I said "could")

In a country where bribery and corruption is rife at every level, it almost seems to endorse this as being the way to achieve.

My parents had little interest in my school work, I hardly saw my father, except a little at weekends. I never had "sweeteners" of money or whatever if I got good results. But, it meant I could do subjects I wanted to do and was good at - as opposed to being forced to do what my parents wanted.

Don't get me wrong, I had a good happy childhood, we were always well looked after, I knew right from wrong and got a belting if I caused trouble etc - its just that my parents decided to let me make the decisions instead of forcing theirs on me and making me do stuff I didn't like doing.

It seems "cotton wooling" kids today is rife and as a result they expect everything to be done for them. I walked 3 or 4 miles to school in all weathers as did all the kids - in my case my father had a car and was already at work when I got up, if I wanted to go by bus I had to pay for it out of pocket money

ColinEssex said:
All I'm saying is that what appears to be bribery and corruption, and forcing the fear of failure could send out the wrong message. (note I said "could")

But, it meant I could do subjects I wanted to do and was good at - as opposed to being forced to do what my parents wanted.

its just that my parents decided to let me make the decisions instead of forcing theirs on me and making me do stuff I didn't like doing.


Col are you implying that I used fear and intimidation to mould my daughter into something she did not want to be?

She seems pretty happy graduating at the top of her class, and after a year off from dance she went back to it without any encouragement from me.

Getting first chair in the orchestra was her desire as well, she has no interest in perusing a career in music but it is her naturally developed competitiveness that is driving her.

She signed up for lacrosse, A sure bet I would have never suggested that, probably some boy or another is interested in lacrosse, but it may be that at her high school the lacrosse players are hailed as the elite athletes, so maybe it is just one more example of her wanting to be the best.

I’m not sure if your just being your typical anti America self here, or if your actually believe the argument you’re putting forth.
jsanders said:
I’m not sure if your just being your typical anti America self here, or if your actually believe the argument you’re putting forth.

Why is it that anyone with a different point of view is simply branded anti-American?
Rich said:
Why is it that anyone with a different point of view is simply branded anti-American?

ColinEssex said:
In a country where bribery and corruption is rife at every level, it almost seems to endorse this as being the way to achieve.


... Hello!
Rich said:
Try again jenny

Well I tried to make a nice little thread on kids, and you turned into yet another unpleasant display of your neurotic obsessions.

Rich don’t you know that the most important lessons in life are learned in kindergarten?
jsanders said:
Well I tried to make a nice little thread on kids, and you turned into yet another unpleasant display of your neurotic obsessions.

Rich don’t you know that the most important lessons in life are learned in kindergarten?
What are you on about man, I haven't done anything other than correct your mistakes:rolleyes:
Rich said:
What are you on about man, I haven't done anything other than correct your mistakes:rolleyes:

Bullshit Rich and you know it. I don't know what is bugging you these days but you are totally O.T.T. in your anti american babblings, it has moved on from enjoyable banter to be totally thread distroying.

Brianwarnock said:
Bullshit Rich and you know it. I don't know what is bugging you these days but you are totally O.T.T. in your anti american babblings, it has moved on from enjoyable banter to be totally thread distroying.

I see the lynch mob's leading the posse again:rolleyes: . I think you should read the whole thread again I have not mentioned AMERICA here, I pointed out that the upbring of children and methods used is a political hot potato, if your eyes are shut to that and it makes me anti-American for daring to say so then I suggest you need to start holidaying in a different country
of course you are correct, probably, I can't be bothered to read all the posts but a quick scan of the early posts produced these

Now who's stereotyping, typical American, one rule for you and one for all else

Well that's good, now get on the telephone and get everybody to go and vote against the terrorist in the White House

What's the American term for in denial, ah yes, American

and I have to agree the word AMERICA wasn't used.


Ps haven't holidayed in America for a few years Katrina stopped our last one, thus last 2 years Morrocco Greece, France and Italy.
Brianwarnock said:
of course you are correct, probably, I can't be bothered to read all the posts but a quick scan of the early posts produced these

and I have to agree the word AMERICA wasn't used.


You missed loads, here ya go
Rich said:
Lock them up until they're 25

Saunders said:
Well Virginia did just impliment new laws keeping them from driving till their 18, which is about the same thing.
Rich said:
I see nothing wrong with that law, holy shit, how can this all American hating person say such a thing
Saunders said:
I fully support this law. Thank you Rich.

oh and I just realised I now have to go and read my grandchildren a story about the American bogeyman to scare them off to sleep
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