A few questions on the setup of my database (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:31
Jun 1, 2014
Hello, some background before my question… I’ve been a long time excel user, I’ve always found a reason to go to excel when I probably should have been using access. So I have a tendency to think in flat single table methods…Well I’m trying to come out of my shell per say and I figured I would do it with something that should be small and somewhat easy to start with. I’ve been collecting comic books since I’ve been a small kid, I’ve inherited a few and yes I still do collect some. (What can I say, I’m a kid at heart… and a giant nerd) Anyway since my collection is getting rather large I figured it would be nice to have an accurate inventory for collection purposes as well as if I ever decide to sell anything. That said, while having read a lot about how access works and knowing a lot of the theory… I primarily learn by doing… I could literally learn more in 1 hour by doing something then I could by reading 100 books on the subject, so I’m probably going to ask some stupid questions and for that I apologize.

To start off with before I ask my questions I should probably outline what I’m trying to achieve with my database as well as the general way I’m setting up the db…. Typically I think in very flat terms due to my background with excel so I’m trying to force myself to set this up in a very nonflat way… so if I overdid it please feel free to speak up.

Table 1: Publishers… this is a very simple table that I designed to combat one of my biggest problems in anything… spelling. It’s simply a list of every publisher of every comic that I collect. That way I can make drop down menus later so I don’t have to spell the publisher many times.

Table 2: Series List… This is similar to table 1 in that it’s simply a list of comic books series’ that I collect…walking dead, spawn, batman, etc. This part is for the same reason table 1 exists… so I don’t screw up spelling of just a few entries which throw off things later. In addition I also added a few fields in table 2 to make things easier on myself later. The first field for this was which publisher published each series… I did it here so I only would have to enter it once for each series instead of possibly 10s if not hundreds of times for each comic book issue. The other convenience item I added to this table was to add a field for current volume… this is one of the areas I have issues with so I’ll address this in more detail later.

Table 3: Issue List… This is the table where I want each individual issue that is collected, I want the comic series, the issue, the volume, and Quality… The catch here which I think is just a personal issue is I also kind of want to add all the details I’ve established in other tables, such as publisher, and price, and current value etc. However I think I may just be trying to make this table flatter so it’s something I know… again I’ll get to this later when I ask my questions.

Table 4: Storage Location… This table is pretty obvious, I have a large collection so I have many storage boxes… I have them numbered and I want to have a field in this table that has series, volume, and issue from table 2 and then another field that has storage location… that way I can find any comic somewhat quickly in the future.

Table 5: Value: In this table again I want comic series, issue, and volume, along with fields for cover price, then here I get a lil iffy....I want a price for each year from here on out… so Ill enter 2014 value, then next year I’ll probably just add a 2015 value field and so on… that way I can see trends and graph them if I really felt the urge.

Table 6: Grading… This is a pretty pointless table simply there to make it easier in table 3 where I use the quality field… there is a bunch of options for grading a comic book so instead of trying to remember them I’m using a pull-down menu again.

Ok there is the basic structure Im figuring on using… if you see any major structural issues please speak up about them since there may be an issue I don’t know to ask a question about…. You guys have been at this longer then I have so you may anticipate some questions or problems I’ll have before I have them.

Question 1: Is my structure ok? Pretty simple question there lol.

Question 2: I would like to use the current volume I discussed earlier in table 2 to make my life easier… Finding the volume isn’t always easy on a comic book so once I get my collection all entered in as I buy new current comics instead of having to lookup the current volume of each series every time I would like a default value in that field of whatever the latest volume for that series is. Problem is I don’t know how to do this, Id imagine it would be with dlookup however I don’t know that it has the capability to do what I would like. Basically once I get everything set up and make a form for entering new comic books I would like to have it set up so that when I enter say the walking dead, it cross references table 2 for that series then it looks at the field for current volume and it uses that entry as the default value for the volume field… so my question is… is that possible? And if not is there some other way to achieve what I’m looking for?

Question 3: for table 4 and 5 since I need a list of all the comics I have which means I need to copy a few of the fields from table 2 to complete table 4 and 5 (namely the issue, series, and volume) how would you accomplish this in the most efficient manner? To copy a field into 1 table from another table.

Question 4: Is there any reason to want the things such as publisher, which is in table 2, as well as the storage location and values into table 2 other then just to make table 2 look nice and flat so I can look at it like it was an excel sheet? I keep trying to do this and Im starting to think the only reason I am is to make it more excel like again… I assume the proper way would to keep most the data in separate tables then use reports and forms to just look at the various tables and bring all the data up there…. Am I correct in this assumption?

Thanks for the help… it’s amazing how set in your ways you get when trying to learn this after excel… I wish I would of learned this before excel Id imagine it would be easier to go the other way in learning.

Thanks again!


Eledittingent Beliped
Local time
Today, 23:31
Nov 3, 2010
You have provided an awful lot of verbiage to assimilate. That is not user-friendly for the readers.

Show your table structure (take a screen shot of the relations window with all tables expanded fully). Or else list them here like this:

myKeyID (PK - autonumber)
some ForeignKey (FK - text)
someOtherForeignKey (FK - long)
someTextField (text)
onemoreTextField (text)
someDate (DateTime)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:31
Jun 1, 2014
sorry about question 3... I apparently had my stupid hat on, Ill just set up a 1 to 1 relationship and that should do it, or at least in theory since Ive never actually done it before ... as I said I know theory not practice yet


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:31
Jun 1, 2014
I wrote it out like I did in all that verbiage so people would know exactly what I was doing... in my experience in helping people with excel they write their question and no one understands what they are doing so they ask them to elaborate then they end up writing out all that verbiage anyway so I figured id cut out that step... sorry if it was too much I was just being thorough which I know I appreciate when people ask me questions, on the internet as well in the business world.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 22:31
Sep 12, 2006
I dont think you want your table 5 and 6.

The value and ranking of a comic is an attribute of the issue

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:31
Jul 5, 2006
Take a look at the attached image. You will need to modify the structure to suite your needs.


  • SFMAGS_Relationships.png
    55.1 KB · Views: 138


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 17:31
Oct 17, 2012
Just as a side note, I'd say keep table 6 as-is. As it's basically a list of comic book condition grades and is used to populate combo boxes, you want either this table or a multi-value field, and the latter is almost never worth the time or effort. You will, of course need a matching foreign key in table 3, which I believe you said you have.

Table 5 - keep if you definitely want to keep a yearly history of the value of the comic. If you don't, then just roll the value into table 3.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:31
Jun 1, 2014
Thank you :) out of curiosity I was looking at a neat site that was giving some tips on things I coudl do... one of them was linking 2 combo boxes would allow me to set it up so I could set a form that would allow me to have 1 combo box or list box that would have the publishers, and a second that would show all comics until one of those publishers was picked, then show only those comics.

here was the website (guess I cant show the website) but it was at datapigstechnology if that helps anyone know where it was lol

2 questions for ya regarding this...

1.) I cant seem to make this work in 2013 Ive even tried to do it in vbcode which Ill be honest, even in excel, i struggle with at the best of times... I have a few scripts I know but I never learned vb I just know certain things that do things I want lol So if thsi was the answer its possible I coded incorrectly....anyway is there still a way to set this up in 2013?

2.) If so can it work 2 ways, so in box1 you have publishers box 2 comics but instead of it just working so youc an select a publisher and limit the comics, can you setit so if you pick a comic it also shows the correct publisher?

the second is more just a neat lil bell I would add if possible, not really needed but figured Id ask if I could... the first however, that would be a very nice feature to have.



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 17:31
Oct 17, 2012
What you're talking about is called 'cascading' combo boxes. Basically, you will put a number of combo boxes on the form, but only the first one will have a row source.

In combo box 1, you put code in the 'after update' event that then assigns a sql statement as a row source for combo box 2, then requery combo box 2.

Continue on for box 3 after box 2 is updated, etc.

I found a link HERE on how to do this with macros. I'm afraid I can't help more than that - the only macros I normally use are AutoExec and AutoKeys. Normally when I do something like this I use code.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:31
Jun 1, 2014
is there a major advantage in efficiency between macro and code? I mean if its something major Ill put in the time and effort to learn how to code properly but if they are about the same Ill do whats easier for me now

Also... do spaces matter at all? most examples ive seen call tables sometrhing like tblone or something and fields are all a single word or when its 2 words they leave out the spaces...

Is there a practical reason for this? or is it just their style? I had been using 2 words sometimes with spaces... i want to know if this is bad form lol
Last edited:


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 17:31
Oct 17, 2012
Code gives you a LOT more control and flexibility than macros do.

Spaces in object names can cause unanticipated results in both code and SQL (including queries), and require some special handling. As a rule, it's best to use CamelCase for objects and variables. You can replace spaces with underscores, but that's frowned on as a convention - I typically only use the underscores with constants.

tblName and fldName are from a naming convention called Hungarian Notation; specifically, Systems Hungarian, where you preface object and variable names with an object/data type description, such as strAddress (string), curBaseCost (currency), datDOB (date), etc. (Apps Hungarian uses prefaces just to differentiate or identify things, such as sFirstName and usFirstname indicating safe and unsafe first name strings.)

It really doesn't matter so much WHAT convention you use, just that you pick a convention and stick to it.

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