A Model for Operating a Growth Business


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Yesterday, 21:04
Dec 20, 2007
This has been rewritten.
I would like to start a dialog about running a software development company where the people are recruited and directed across the net.
Do you thinks it’s even possible and what are the pitfalls of such an endeavor?
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If it means you can farm some work out to me then count me in:)
If it means you can farm some work out to me then count me in:)

I changed the words around and it made it look like you were answering the wrong thing. I apologize.

In the previous opening I was asking for volunteers, what I really wanted was help conceiving a system that would work.
This is going nowhere, so I'm just going to lecture and hope some one is listinging. Either way it will help me think.
From experience, it is difficult to get a bunch of even like minded people together to work through a project and have the entire package appear as a single unit. It is workable, but once you do get a group of individuals who can work as a collective then hang on to them for as many projects as you can.
Good Morning All,
Thanks for the input Fifty 2One; yes business is difficult.
This will require vision and more than the normal amount of self discipline and motivation.
So the real first question is, can it even work?
There has to be a market for it... Microsoft put a ton of money into a vb studio package designed around multi developers on multi stations... and with phones and web conferences I can't see how it would be much different than having a single office of 20 floors with people working on different machines... who cares if they are half a world appart.
I think the only real limiting factor to projects of that nature is when people use different terms to reference the same thing. Or when one person uses multiple terms for the same thing. Strong leadership and guidance to the goal is crucial.
I would like to start my software development company where the people are recruited for web develpment and other projects. Tell me about pitfalls regarding this.

I would like to start my software development company where the people are recruited for web develpment and other projects. Tell me about pitfalls regarding this.

Well, I'll tell you about the pitfalls of spamming. It is called BANNING. Bye, bye there spammer. This one has footprints all over the web (I wont' give away my secrets to how I found out but they are there).
Thales this can definitely work I met a phsycisit now working as a programmer for a small hi tech programming company that works with a handful of people based in America.

Some points...

All the individuals concerned were "connected" through university prior to the start up and knew each other well and were hired on the basis of everyone was well aware of the strenghts and weaknesses of the individuals involved and probably just as importantly that they knew that they could "get on" with each other.

They have scheduled meet ups paid by the company. These are expensive as everyone needs to be flown from wherever they are (all over the world) to a single location and put up for usually at least a week. There is nothing quite like meeting people to initially get a hand on people.

People generally just work from their homes wherever that may be...

This would probably work quite well for instance with a database design company based on people from here. You could easily group some of the AWF's together from here and probably have a bit of an awesome company. You would need a real Marketing guru just to spend probably a not insignificant time getting the first few jobs.

He was in a full time company though... You could maybe operate it on a more job per job basis ...

Ie ... Get the job first and then get the staff second and only employ the staff on a job by job basis.

For instance I could go out tomorrow and go to some of the big ass finance companies in Edinburgh and say I can produce any database you want but I specialise in complicated difficult databases involving high value transactions.
What do you need done when do you need it done by and what are you prepared to pay????

Next day I come on here and makes some select approachs...


Who's up for some paid work on a kick ass MS based system

Needs to do this

And your cut would be £XXXXX

Who's interested??????

Sounds interesting
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