A solution to a specific front-end updating scenario. (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
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Today, 08:38
Aug 5, 2012
While the explanation is probably more complicated than the code itself is, I'll try to be brief. I've pulled a lot of information from the net to put all this together into a solution that works for my scenario, but I think it can be modified to fit other weird scenarios.

I have an Access Database at my workplace. The back-end is deployed on a network that all users have access to and each person has their only profile at their workstations; typical network layout. The issue with my database is I do not have administrator access to deploy my update to all users, so I have to rely on the user themselves to update their own front-end. This is can be a big issue as a lot of you may know if your co-workers aren't exactly...well...computer people.

Now, this scenario applies for, as mentioned, those who don't have administrator access to other users network profiles, and all the users who will be using your database, have access to a common network drive. All database files are on the network drive. The database is split, back-end resting in the same network drive. This solution gives each user a hard-copy of the front-end which drastically improves performances for databases with a customized ribbon, rather than creating a shortcut to the network drive copy.

What I've done to the Front-End homepage is add a label control that displays the current version that the user is using. The label is linked to a simple table with only one text field. An administrator panel allows an admin to change the version number. Some simple VBA on the front end recognizes when the label control doesn't match up to the back-end's version and a big blue, hard to miss, dummy noticeable "New Update Available" button pops up which invokes the script. (Funny thing is, I still have to prod them to click the darn thing). "Did you click the blue button?" "No." "....".

The cool thing, (I think it's pretty cool) the user can still use an old version providing they don't delete the front-end manually. They just won't be able to access new features and stuff without updating.

The script itself is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll provide a brief explanation. First it gets the username of the person currently logged in and stores it as a variable for future use. It then determines if there is even a version of the application, or the folder which contains it, or the shortcuts even exists. If it doesn't, it creates the folder and shortcut and copies the newest front-end over, and deletes the old version and shortcuts.

I use .hta files throughout the code to let the user know stuff is happening. I use .hta because I couldn't create a MsgBox in vbScript that doesn't contain a button. The .hta's are timed to 1500ms and contain no buttons. I'll post the .hta script after the vbScript.

While there are easier ways to do all of this, this method I've found to work very well for those of us who aren't cool enough for administrator access.

This is the first bigger piece of code I've written, so please critique, offer suggestions to make things easier or simplify the code. It will be welcome providing it's constructive, of course.

My homepage VBA for the button and Form_Load() event

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

If MsgBox("This application will now close and update" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "The application will restart after the update.", vbOkCancel, "New Update Available!") = vbOk Then

        DoCmd****nCommand acCmdSaveRecord        'This should be DoCmd . RunCommand (delete spaces)
        Shell "Explorer.exe ""G:\DriveHere\Database\Scripts\update.vbs"""


End If

      Exit Sub
Err: Handler: 
        MsgBox "Procedure: cmdUpdate_click()" & vbCrLf & "Form: Home: & _
               vbCrLf & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
               Err.Source, vbExclamation
End Sub

The Form_Load() event:
This portion checks to see if the label control on the home page which contains the version number matches the version number in the table Version. If it does, then no update is needed so cmdUpdate is not visible. If they don't match, then update is needed and cmdUpdate is visible.

After the update, the newest version will match the version in your backend so the button will be gone again.

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim strSQL As String

Set db = CurrentDB

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [Version]"

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Do While Not rs.EOF

If rs!Version <> Me.lblVersion.Caption Then
    Me.cmdUpdate.visible = True
ElseIf rs!Version = Me.lblVersion.Caption Then
    Me.cmdUpdate.visible = False
End If


Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

The vbScript: (use a text editor like, Notepad++ or Sublime and save as .vbs)

'QID Update Script
'Version 2
'Author: Pis7ftw
'Revision: 05/11/2013
'Copyright: The following code may be used and modified providing this 
'			and the preceding comments remain intact.

'	Modifiy the file names prior to each deployment
'	Modify the paths prior to the first deployment.
'		Unless you change directories, these paths should remain constant
'	I utilized .hta files to provide status updates throughout the procedure
'		because I didn't see the need for a big update bar. Plus .hta prompts
'		are timed and and require no user intervention. Remove these if you'd like.
'	Don't forget to set the correct path for .hta's if you use them via strMsgPath

'Begin Code

Dim objNetwork
Dim objShell

Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strDesktop = objShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop")
strUserName = objNetwork.UserName          												'Get username of current person logged into the computer

'Current version is:
'Updated version is:
'Modify the file names below prior to each update deployment

strQIDFileToCopy = ""													'Filename of file to copy
strQIDFileToDelete = ""													'Filename of old version of file to delete
strQIDShortcutToDelete = ".lnk"											'Filename of version shortcut on users desktop to delete
strQIDShortcutIconImage = ".ico"										'Name of the Shortcut image
strQIDShortcutName = ".lnk"												'Name of the Shortcut

'Modifiy the paths as needed, utilize strUserName as needed
'	if deploying across network. Make sure you terminate the 
'	paths correctly (I.E. "\My Documents\" as opposed to "\My Documents")

strQIDOriginPath = ""																									'Origin path of the file
strQIDDestFolderPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & strUserName & "\My Documents\foldernamehere"						'Destination path for the folder to contain the application
strQIDDestAppPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & strUserName & "\My Documents\foldernamehere\"						'Destination path to the application
strQIDShortcutDestPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & strUserName & "\Desktop"										'Shortcut destination path
strQIDShortcutIconImagePath = ""																						'Path to the shortcut icon image
strQIDShortcutTarget = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & strUserName & "\My Documents\foldernamehere\" & strQIDFileToCopy	'Shortcut target path'
strMsgPath = ""																											'Path to update progress messages (.hta files)

'Run the update procedures

	objShell****n strMsgPath & "updateMsg1.hta",1,True					'first status update message.  'should be objShell . run (delete spaces)

'Delete old shortcuts**********************************************
	If objFSO.FileExists(strQIDShortcutDestPath & strQIDShortcutToDelete) Then
		objFSO.DeleteFile(strQIDShortcutDestPath & strQIDShortcutToDelete)
	ElseIf Not objFSO.FileExists(strQIDShortcutDestPath & strQIDShortcutToDelete) Then

	End If

'Delete old version********************************************
	If objFSO.FileExists(strDestAppPath & strQIDFileToDelete) Then
		objFSO.DeleteFile(strDestAppPath & strQIDFileToDelete)
	ElseIf Not objFSO.FileExists(strDestAppPath & strQIDFileToDelete) Then

	End If

'Check to see if destination file exists.**************************
If objFSO.FolderExists(strQIDDestFolderPath) Then 									'Copy the new version
	objFSO.CopyFile strQIDOriginPath & strQIDFileToCopy, strQIDDestAppPath
ElseIf Not objFSO.FolderExists(strQIDestFolderPath) Then 								'Create the folder and then copy the file
	objFSO.CreateFolder strQIDDestAppPath 
	objFSO.CopyFile strQIDOriginPath & strQIDFileToCopy, strQIDDestAppPath 
	MsgBox "Unable to update the QID" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "Line 74", , "Error"
End If

'Create new shortcut*************************************

	Set objLink = objShell.CreateShortcut(strQIDShortcutDestPath & "\" & strQIDShortcutName)
		objLink.TargetPath = strQIDShortcutTarget
		objLink.IconLocation = strQIDShortcutIconImagePath & strQIDShortcutIconImage
	set objLink = Nothing

	objShell****n strMsgPath & "updateMsg2.hta",1,True                   'should be objShell . Run (delete spaces)

'Check to see if old version is still on the desktop, delete if it is.
If objFSO.FileExists(strQIDShortcutDestPath & strQIDFileToDelete) Then
	objFSO.DeleteFile(strQIDSHortcutDestPath & strQIDFileToDelete)
End If

'End Code


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:38
Aug 5, 2012
Ran out of space. Here is the code for the .hta files.
Use a text editor and save as blabla.hta or something.

The .hta code:

              Caption = "no" 
      <script language = "VBScript"> 
             Sub Window_OnLoad 
                     window.resizeTo 300,100 
                     idTimer = window.setTimeout("PausedSection", 1500, "VBScript") 
             End Sub 
             Sub PausedSection 
             End Sub 
            <p>Update Completed...</p> 
            <p>The QID will reopen momentarily, standby...</p> 

I use a simple vbScript created by Daniel Pineault Montreal Database Developer and Website Designer to reopen the database which can be found here :Launch/Open an MS Access Database Using a VBScript | DEVelopers HUT

Hope you guys like it!



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:38
Aug 5, 2012
Another issue that someone might run into, like me, is when you've created an Access 2010 database, but the work computer only has 2003, and the back-end is on a network drive. The solution is to install Access Runtime, create an EXACT match of the paths to a fake backend, and have the JStreetAccess ReLinker embedded in the database. For example:

Home computer: Fake Back-end is in C:\Database\backend

Work computer: Fake Back-end is in C:\Database\backend

Make sure the fake back-end and the real back-end match up table wise. I just make a copy of the real back end and place it in these folders.

Link the new version to your home computer fake backend path. When you move the new version to the work computer, this is where the front end will look for the back end.

Once it's ported over, simply change the path to the back end to the real backend using the ReLinker and you're good to change the version, and people will update their front-ends.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:38
Aug 5, 2012
I call it...beating your database into submission with a digital stick.

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