In 1983 I started on a Sirius with two MASSIVE 1.2Mb floppy disks and 128Kb of Ram. All at the bargain price I recall of somewhere around £2,300!

( Just to give some perspective, I could buy a one year old Ford Cortina for about double that, but way cheaper than an Apple II) Filenames and fieldnames at a maximum of eight and only a root folder available on A:, or B: No spaces and I think they all had to be uppercase as well. Screens of just 80 characters wide and 24 lines and needing a table of dozens of printer codes. All good fun
Short time on Basic until I hit the maximum filesize. Then dBASEII, then on to Clipper87. Which I was very reluctant to abandon and use Access97. If it wasn't for customer pressure about wanting Windows and "needing" to use a mouse, I'd still be happily pumping out Clipper software.
Have to say though, I could never see why Microsoft thought that Northwind was a good example of Access programming, or any other programming for that matter. I'd certainly not like to put my name to it. Mind you they don't get any better, I've seen recent example of a template of theirs with /'s and \'s in very long fieldnames. I cannot see why they'd indicate to a new user that, that is Ok in a naming system.
Looking back, happy days indeed. But the reality was that the hours were long, very long. All in a good cause though.