Access 2007 spilt on server


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Yesterday, 19:29
Sep 9, 2002
I guess it was bound to happen. I just have to much data in my DB. Looking at some help topics and search here. Found alot of pros and cons. Ok 2007 has been out there for awhile now.

So bottom line, just where can I find the best example on how to do this?

You guys have never let me down yet. So Mr Larson or the docman, any help would be great.

Are you talking about splitting your db into a FE and BE? I believe there is a utility the will atumatically split your db in Access 2007. But anyways all you need to do is move all of your tables to a seperate db and then link them to your db with all the forms and queriees.
yes FE and BE. There most likley is a utility. I always like asking alot of questions before I start anything. Now what about the macros and modules. Where should I place them.

FE........... Frm, Rpts
BE........... Tbl, Qry

You can use the Split Database utility within Access itself, if you wish.

The Backend should be tables ONLY (no queries, forms, reports, etc.).

The Frontend houses everything else and a copy of the frontend should be on EACH user's computer.

If you are like me and don't want to touch 100 machines, then you can use my Frontend Auto-Updating Enabling tool to be able to automatically update the frontends from a master that you will keep on the network.

You can find it here on my website:
Bob, I found this article as well.

How to manually split a Access database in Microsoft Access
View products that this article applies to.
Article ID : 304932
Last Review : April 11, 2007
Revision : 5.0
This article was previously published under Q304932
Advanced: Requires expert coding, interoperability, and multiuser skills.

This article applies to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) file or to a Microsoft Access database (.accdb) file.
For various reasons, you may decide to split the database into either a front-end application or a back-end application. The back-end database contains the tables and is stored on a file server. The front-end database that links to the back-end tables contains all the forms, the queries, the reports, the macros, and the modules. The front-end database is distributed to the workstations of the users.

This article describes how to split the database manually instead of by using the Database Splitter utility.
To split the database in Microsoft Office Access 2007, follow these steps:
1. Create a new blank Access database.
2. On the External Data tab, click Access in the Import group.
3. In the Get External Data dialog box, click Browse to locate and select the database that you want to split, click to select the Import tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules into the current database. check box, and then click OK.
4. In the Import Objects dialog box, click Select All on the Tables tab, and then click OK.

Notice that Access imports all of the tables into the new database, which is your back-end database.
5. Store the new back-end database on a network share, and make sure that all the users have full permissions to the share.
6. Create a second new blank Access database.
7. On the External Data, click Access in the Import group.
8. In the Get External Data dialog box, click Browse to select the back-end database that you created, click to select the Link to the data source by creating a linked table. check box, and then click OK.
9. In the Import Objects dialog box, click Select All on the Tables tab, and then click OK.

Notice that Access links the tables in the back-end database to the front-end database.
10. On the External Data, click Access in the Import group.
11. In the Get External Data dialog box, click Browse to select the original database that you are splitting, click to select the Import tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules into the current database. check box, and then click OK.
12. In the Import Objects dialog box, click Select All on the Forms tab, repeat this step on all other tabs except the Tables tab because you have already linked to the tables. You now only need to import the rest of the objects, and then click OK.

Notice that you now have all the tables linked and have imported the remaining objects.

This database is the front-end database. You can distribute this front-end database to the workstations so that each user has his own copy of the front-end database.

You have now successfully split your database, which will improve performance. Now when a user opens a form, the form opens locally on their computer, and is not sent across the network. The only data that comes across the network is the data in the linked tables.
Reasons Why You May Want to Split Your Database
The following are typical reasons to split a database:
• You are sharing your database with multiple users on a network.
• You have several people developing in the database and you do not have Microsoft Visual Source Safe installed.
• You do not want your users to be able to make design changes to tables.
The most common reason to split a database is that you are sharing the database with multiple users on a network. If you simply store the database on a network share, when your users open a form, query, macro, module, or report, these objects have to be sent across the network to each individual who uses the database. If you split the database, each user has their own copy of the forms, queries, macros, modules, and reports. Therefore, the only data that must be sent across the network is the data in the tables.

Note To split the database, you can also use the Database Splitter utility.

In your opion, do you that is the database is swelling as well. I started out this AM about 137 KB, now I just check it and its at 197 KB. I have about 200 users, but I only have maybe 5 to 15 logged in at time.
In your opion, do you that is the database is swelling as well. I started out this AM about 137 KB, now I just check it and its at 197 KB. I have about 200 users, but I only have maybe 5 to 15 logged in at time.
Access databases grow as adding data causes growth as well as it retains empty space from data and objects deleted. When you compact, it recovers that space. Your growth is nothing to be alarmed about. Now, if you went from 137Kb to 25Mb in a morning, then you might have something to look at, but 137Kb to 197Kb is no big deal.
Bob, thats a relief. I just never noticed when I was running 2003 that it swelled that high and quick. You are so correct, when I compact it, then it goes back down to the 125 KB. I just thought that there was something running in the back ground.

Again thanks Bob you are the man.
this is going to sound ridiculous, but i can't find the splitting utility in access 2007... can anybody direct me to it?
i'm not terribly thrilled with the new access. :(
This is an old thread Ceejay64. Always best to create yours.

Click the DATABASE TOOLS tab and under MOVE DATA select ACCESS DATABASE.

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