Access (2013) Crashes on pressing Button that runs VBA Code....


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Today, 11:01
Aug 14, 2014
Access (2013) Crashes on pressing Button that runs VBA Code UNLESS I view the VBA code before I hit the button.
It works fine after I come back from viewing the code in VBA.
Here is the VBA:
Private Sub ShowIt_Click() If ShowIt = False Then cUSB.Visible = True CFireWire.Visible = True cThunder.Visible = True cHDMI.Visible = True cSIM.Visible = True cTouch.Visible = True eSat.Visible = True cWWoB.Visible = True cSD.Visible = True cMSD.Visible = True cWiFi.Visible = True cEther.Visible = True cBT.Visible = True PCCard.Visible = True cOther.Visible = True OtherDes.Visible = True HDMISize.Visible = True SimSize.Visible = True USBType.Visible = True USBCount.Visible = True ThunderCount.Visible = True cWiFiExt.Visible = True Label103.Visible = True ShowIt.Caption = "Show Notes" Label103.Caption = "Connections" Notes.Visible = False Label103.Width = 1200 RDPort.SetFocus Else If ShowIt = True Then cUSB.Visible = False CFireWire.Visible = False cThunder.Visible = False cHDMI.Visible = False cSIM.Visible = False cTouch.Visible = False eSat.Visible = False cWWoB.Visible = False cSD.Visible = False cMSD.Visible = False cWiFi.Visible = False cEther.Visible = False cBT.Visible = False PCCard.Visible = False cOther.Visible = False OtherDes.Visible = False HDMISize.Visible = False SimSize.Visible = False USBType.Visible = False USBCount.Visible = False ThunderCount.Visible = False cWiFiExt.Visible = False Notes.Visible = True Label103.Caption = "Notes" ShowIt.Caption = "Show Connections" Label103.Width = 600 Notes.SetFocus Else End If End If End Sub

Any help would be appreciated
Omitting the bulk of that code, you have an IF/THEN/ELSE/ELSE/END IF/END IF - which means that the second ELSE is missing an IF. Perhaps you were thinking of an ELSEIF in place of the first ELSE?
I don't think you need any Else's, just use IF's ...
Your code could be simplified by adding an "X" to each controls Tag property.

See my blog for more info:-

Is ShowIt control a Checkbox?
Checkbox don't Have Caption Property.
If you are using A2010 or later, you can change the Caption of label associated with ShowIt:

If Me.ShowIt Then
Me.ShowIt.Controls(0).Caption = "Show Notes"
Me.ShowIt.Controls(0).Caption = "Show Connections"
End If
Access (2013) Crashes on pressing Button that runs VBA Code
If "ShowIt" is button - try code:
Private Sub ShowIt_Click()
' ... yoyr code description
Dim blnShowIt As Boolean

On Error GoTo ShowIt_Click_Err

' set value to variable from ...
    blnShowIt = Not Me.Notes.Visible
    Me.cUSB.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.CFireWire.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cThunder.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cHDMI.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cSIM.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cTouch.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.eSat.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cWWoB.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cSD.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cMSD.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cWiFi.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cEther.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cBT.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.PCCard.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cOther.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.OtherDes.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.HDMISize.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.SimSize.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.USBType.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.USBCount.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.ThunderCount.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.cWiFiExt.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.Label103.Visible = Not blnShowIt
    Me.Notes.Visible = blnShowIt

    If blnShowIt = False Then
        Me.RDPort.SetFocus '
        Me.ShowIt.Caption = "Show Notes"
        Me.Label103.Width = 1200
        Me.Label103.Caption = "Connections"
    Else 'If blnShowIt = True
        Me.ShowIt.Caption = "Show Connections"
        Me.Label103.Caption = "Notes"
        Me.Label103.Width = 600
    End If

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in Sub" & _
           "ShowIt_Click - [ your form name ... ].", vbCritical, "Error!"
    'Debug.Print "ShowIt_Click_Line: " & Erl & "."
    Resume ShowIt_Click_End
End Sub
If "Show it" is a command button, then you need code similar to this:-

As I suspect ArnelGP meant....

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