Access Continuous Form too long for screen

I'm with @Pat Hartman on this one.
Only display the items that are selected for prep, or sort them to the top of the list and auto refresh it.
No need to display things that aren't required?
They have a key/mouse in the kitchen where they can make small amendments to orders. Say something spills of they can't cook enough of a certain dish
Who in the kitchen controls this mouse? Where is the computer that runs the Access database, also in the kitchen? And how does that work? Please don't be afraid to fill in all of the missing details.
For pagination in Access, you can use a combination of TOP and NOT IN.

See if this helps you


How did you change the data source?
There are 4 forms in mine, - you might have 2. The first form uses a query where TOP 10 is used in the SQL (or however many records you need to limit to for your display). The next form also uses TOP 10 however the source has a Where clause that uses NOT IN to exclude the records from the previous query.

I suspect much like @Edgar_ 's suggestion/ sample

Query 1: (qryEVParrticipants1-10)
SELECT TOP 10 tblEvents.EventID, tblParticipants.ParticipantID, tblParticipants.PersonID, tblPersons.LastName, tblPersons.FirstName
FROM tblPersons RIGHT JOIN (tblEvents LEFT JOIN tblParticipants ON tblEvents.EventID = tblParticipants.EventID) ON tblPersons.PersonID = tblParticipants.PersonID
WHERE (((tblEvents.EventID)=[Forms]![frmEvent]![EventID]))
ORDER BY tblPersons.LastName, tblPersons.FirstName;

Query 2: (qryEvParticipants11-20)
SELECT TOP 10 tblEvents.EventID, tblParticipants.ParticipantID, tblParticipants.PersonID, tblPersons.LastName, tblPersons.FirstName
FROM tblPersons RIGHT JOIN (tblEvents LEFT JOIN (tblParticipants LEFT JOIN [qryEVParticipants1-10] ON tblParticipants.ParticipantID = [qryEVParticipants1-10].ParticipantID) ON tblEvents.EventID = tblParticipants.EventID) ON tblPersons.PersonID = tblParticipants.PersonID
WHERE (((tblEvents.EventID)=[Forms]![frmEvent]![EventID]) AND ((tblParticipants.ParticipantID) Not In ([qryEVParticipants1-10]![ParticipantID])))
ORDER BY tblPersons.LastName, tblPersons.FirstName;
This is edgar's example with a form level variable for PgSize at the top of the forms code module. The size of the subform control allows for 50 items per page or less at it's current physical size. For your sub form, it will be much larger based on it's size but the code remains the same, just have to tweak the PgSize value to whatever you want.


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