Access Learner - Need Help with DoCmd.OpenForm to multiple criteria


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Mar 4, 2012
How to add second criteria to OpenForm function?
Basically, I need help with double click VBA code event in a ListBox.
I two related forms, in the primary form contain a listbox, when user double click on a specific record, the second form will open and should filter record based on 2 criteria (LoanInfoID and RequestDate).

Private Sub RequestList_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID AND SECOND CRITERIA IN LIST BOX(RequestDate)
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

ListBox Row Source:
SELECT T_Request.LoanInfoID, T_Request.RequestDate, T_TransactionType.TransactionType
FROM T_Request INNER JOIN T_TransactionType ON T_Request.TransactionTypeID = T_TransactionType.TransactionTypeID
GROUP BY T_Request.LoanInfoID, T_Request.RequestDate, T_TransactionType.TransactionType
ORDER BY T_Request.RequestDate;

Thank you in advance
Along the lines of:

DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.ListboxReference & "#"
Thanks Paul for getting back, unfortunately I am still getting the same error.

Please see attached.



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Which column of ListboxReference holds the date you are looking for?
Which column of ListboxReference holds the date you are looking for?

Including the hidden/invisible one, RequestDate would be would in column number 2. There are 3 columns in total.
Thanks for your help!

where x is the number of the desired column, starting with 0. The second column would be 1.

where x is the number of the desired column, starting with 0. The second column would be 1.

I thought Excel was cool, but Access is even better and again thank you!
Happy to help!

Now, I am trying to give a default value for "RequestDate" field based on selection from the list box. I attempted with few variation, but none of them work. Please advise what did I do wrong(in blue).

Private Sub List38_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.List38.Column(1) & "#"

1st Trial
Forms!F_LoanDocuments!RequestDate = "#" & List38.Column(1) & "#"

2nd Trial
RequestDate = Forms!F_BorrowerLoanHistory!"#"& List38.Column(1) &"#"

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

End Sub
You can use the OpenArgs property of the OpenForm method to pass information between two forms, so your first piece of code would look like;
DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.List38.Column(1) & "#", , , Me.List38.Column(1)

You can now test the OpenArgs in the On Load event of form F_LoanDocuments using the following code;
If Not IsNull(OpenArgs) Then
     DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
     Me.RequestDate = OpenArgs
End If
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Its works, Thank you so much Big John for your help and reference!!!!!!!
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You can use the OpenArgs property of the OpenForm method to pass information between two forms, so your first piece of code would look like;
DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.List38.Column(1) & "#", , , Me.List38.Column(1)

You can now test the OpenArgs in the On Load event of form F_LoanDocuments using the following code;
If Not IsNull(OpenArgs) Then
     DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
     Me.RequestDate = OpenArgs
End If

Private Sub ListBoxRequest_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.ListBoxRequest.Column(2) & "#", , , Me.List38.Column(2) & Me.List38.Column(3)

End Sub

Hi John,

I added a second column to your recommanded code, now how can I separate them into two different controls (column(2)=TxtBoxRequestDate and column(3)=cboTransactionType) on the F_LoanDocuments. Currently records from list box are lumped together on the F_LoanDocuments.

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Looks like you're trying to pass multiple items?

Thanks Paul for the reference,

What is the meanning of "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range"?

I double checked for spelling, but keep still I am getting that error message "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range". In my list box contain 4 columns, I need info from column 3 and 4 to be fed into the secondary form. Please note that column 3 is date field.

What did I do wrong or what am I looking for?

List Box

Private Sub List38_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.List38.Column(2) & "#", , , Me.List38.Column(2) & ";" & Me.List38.Column(3)
End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strOpenArgs() As String

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then

strOpenArgs = Split(Me.OpenArgs, ";")
Me.TxtBoxRequestDate = strOpenArgs(2)
Me.cboTransactionType = strOpenArgs(3)

End If

End Sub


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However many columns are in your combo, you only passed two, so the Split only has two.
However many columns are in your combo, you only passed two, so the Split only has two.

I found my error, but now I am having another issue with the second value in the strOpenArgs(1). I am keep getting an error message: "Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)': You can't assign a value to this object."

Is it because that I am trying to pass a alpha value (form one) into a numerical field (form two)? This problem went away when I changed the cboTransactionTypeID field into Text.

How can I change an alpha value into a numerical value?

Thank you.

List Box

Private Sub List38_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.List38.Column(2) & "#", , , Me.List38.Column(2) & ";" & Me.List38.Column(3)
End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strOpenArgs() As String

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then

strOpenArgs = Split(Me.OpenArgs, ";")
Me.TxtBoxRequestDate = strOpenArgs(0)
Me.cboTransactionTypeID = strOpenArgs(1)

End If

End Sub
You could use CStr(), but the error doesn't sound like a data type mismatch. You didn't change anything else to get it to work?
You could use CStr(), but the error doesn't sound like a data type mismatch. You didn't change anything else to get it to work?

Thanks Paul for your suggestion, but that would not solve my problem. Yes, I think you are right, it is a data miss match.

Little background of what I am trying to accomplish, in form one there is a list box (generated by a query) that has 4 columns, but column 1 and 2 are IDs and also hidden. In column 3 is a date field and in the 4th column is text field. When a user double clicks on any selection, it will open a second form.

I was able to successfully to pass on date value into the second form (also a date field), but hitting brick wall with 4th column of the list box.

The field for 4th column in the second form is a numerical, but convert into a combo box, selection made by user with be stored as numerical value “cboTransactionType”.

How can I pass text value into a combo box in the second form that will be stored as a numerical value?

I tried to use Dlookup, but I am getting error message like: “Run-Time error ‘3075’: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ‘TransactionType=New Loan’.

Table for T_TransactionType has:

TransactionTypeID TransactionType
1 New Loan
2 Renewal
3 Amendment

List Box

Private Sub List38_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

DoCmd.OpenForm "F_LoanDocuments", , , "LoanInfoID=" & LoanInfoID & " And RequestDate = #" & Me.List38.Column(2) & "#", , , Me.List38.Column(2) & ";" & Me.List38.Column(3)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strOpenArgs() As String

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
strOpenArgs = Split(Me.OpenArgs, ";")
Me.TxtBoxRequestDate = strOpenArgs(0)
Me.cboTransactionTypeID = DLookup("TransactionID", "T_TransactionType", "TransactionType=" & strOpenArgs(1))
End If

End Sub
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DLookup("TransactionID", "T_TransactionType", "TransactionType='" & strOpenArgs(1) & "'")
Still no luck, different kind message: "Run-time error '2471': The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error: 'TransactionID'"

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