[Access] Programmatically exporting Outlook contacts in custom forms to Access (1 Viewer)


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Today, 02:15
Apr 29, 2011
I have an Outlook public folder with 2000+ contacts in custom forms. I am basically using the MS code for programmatically exporting OL items to Access (support.microsoft.com/?kbid=290792), modified to incl. custom form data, with the addition of loading ExpressClickYes to bypass OL security prompt and the quit command to regularly clear the memory (5-20 worked well).

Since my machine was upgraded from XP to Win7 and O2003 to O2007, the script no longer works. It appears that only the first batch of items is imported into Access, then the script just hangs (no error message, Outlook is again in the task manager). Without setting an interval for quitting OL, my script crashes around 214-217 items.

I've also read that you can set the registry to clear memory at certain amounts of items (support.microsoft.com/kb/293797), but that does not seem to make a difference. I'm setting all appropriate variables to Nothing right after the rst.Update command.

If you have any thoughts to point me in the right direction, please let me know. I'm posting the full code below with comments about the errors received. Thanks in advance.

Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Const WM_DESTROY = &H2
Private Declare Function RegisterWindowMessage _
Lib "user32" Alias "RegisterWindowMessageA" _
(ByVal lpString As String) As Long
Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _
Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As Any, _
ByVal lpWindowName As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _
lParam As Any) As Long
' Code above is to assist in starting/closing Express ClickYes utility
' to bypass Outlook security prompt
Public Function ImportContacts()
   ' This code is based in Microsoft Access.
   'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   ' Set up for ExpressClickYes (bypass outlook security prompt):
   Debug.Print "setting up dims"
   Dim wnd As Long
   Dim uClickYes As Long
   Dim Res As Long
   ' Set up DAO objects (uses existing "CoMA-new" table):
   Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
   Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("CoMA-new")
   ' Set up Outlook objects:
   Dim ol As New outlook.Application
   Dim olns As outlook.Namespace
   Dim cf As outlook.MAPIFolder
   Dim c As outlook.ContactItem
   Dim objItems As outlook.Items
   Dim Prop As outlook.UserProperty
   ' Set up ErrorHandler objects:
   Dim errNumber As Integer
   Dim errDescription As String
   Dim errSource As String
   Dim strMsg As String
   ' Let user select a folder to export - exit script if no folder is selected:
   Set olns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
   Set cf = olns.PickFolder
   If cf Is Nothing Then
        Exit Function
   End If
   Set objItems = cf.Items
   ' Test whether default type of selected folder are contacts - display message and exit script if not:
   If cf.DefaultItemType <> olContactItem Then
      MsgBox "Folder is not a contacts folder."
      Exit Function
   End If
   ' Test whether selected folder contains any contact items - display number of items; or display message and exit script if not (see bottom):
   Debug.Print "counting contact items"
   iNumContacts = objItems.Count
   If iNumContacts <> 0 Then
   MsgBox "Processing " & iNumContacts & " Contacts. This may take a while."
      ' Start Express ClickYes program to bypass Outlook security warning:
      Debug.Print "starting express clickyes"
      If Not fEnumWindows("Express ClickYes 1.2") Then
      Call Shell("C:\Program Files\Express ClickYes\ClickYes.exe", 1)
      End If
      uClickYes = RegisterWindowMessage("CLICKYES_SUSPEND_RESUME")
      wnd = FindWindow("EXCLICKYES_WND", 0&)
      Res = SendMessage(wnd, uClickYes, 1, 0)
      ' Ask at what number to begin and at which interval to quit and restart Outlook process:
      cTitle1 = "CoMA Backups"
      cMessage1 = "Please enter at which contact number to start the backup (I - 1 unless backup crashed previously):"
      cInput1 = InputBox(cMessage1, cTitle1)
      cMessage2 = "Please enter at which interval items should be processed (Q - 5-20 recommended):"
      cInput2 = InputBox(cMessage2, cTitle1)
      ' Start loop through all items in the folder, starting at the designated contact number (cInput1)
      For I = cInput1 To iNumContacts 'instead of "For I = 1 To iNumContacts"
         Debug.Print "Starting to loop through contacts with number " & I
         ' Quit Outlook process after every "q" items that have been processed (to clear memory):
         Q = cInput2
         If I / Q = Int(I / Q) Then
            Debug.Print "Quitting Outlook at predetermined interval."
            'Sleep (1000) 'suspends Program execution for 1 seconds
         End If
         ' Check if the current item is based on the proper custom form:
         Debug.Print "checking proper form in outlook"
         If objItems(I).MessageClass = "IPM.Contact.CoMA" Then 'ERROR 462: remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable (only if using SLEEP above)
            Debug.Print "setting c=objItems(I)"
            Set c = objItems(I) 'Outlook hangs or ERROR: remote procedure call failed"
            ' Add new row in Access table and write standard form data to it:
            Debug.Print "adding row and writing standard form data"
            rst!Title = c.Title 'another error location
            rst!FirstName = c.FirstName
            rst!Middle = c.MiddleName
            rst!LastName = c.LastName
            rst!Suffix = c.Suffix
            rst!CompanyName = c.CompanyName
            rst!JobTitle = c.JobTitle
            rst!Department = c.Department
            rst!Street = c.MailingAddressStreet
            rst!City = c.MailingAddressCity
            rst!StateOrProvince = c.MailingAddressState
            rst!PostalCode = c.MailingAddressPostalCode
            rst!Country = c.MailingAddressCountry
            rst!WorkPhone = c.BusinessTelephoneNumber
            rst!MobilePhone = c.MobileTelephoneNumber
            rst!OtherPhone = c.OtherTelephoneNumber
            rst!FaxNumber = c.BusinessFaxNumber
            rst!Email1 = c.Email1Address
            rst!Email2 = c.Email2Address
            rst!Email3 = c.Email3Address
            rst!URL = c.WebPage
            rst!IM = c.IMAddress
            rst!Comments = c.Body
            ' Write custom form properties to DB:
            Debug.Print "writing custom form properties"
            rst!ContactType = c.UserProperties("Contact Type")
            rst!ContactStatus = c.UserProperties("Contact Status")
            rst!OptedOut = c.UserProperties("Opted-Out")
            rst!OptedIn = c.UserProperties("Opted-In")
            rst!CLUE = c.UserProperties("CLUE Email")
            rst!Holidays = c.UserProperties("Holidays")
            rst!Special = c.UserProperties("Special")
            rst!Agreement = c.UserProperties("Agreement")
            rst!W9 = c.UserProperties("W-9")
            rst!Resume = c.UserProperties("Resume")
            rst!Samples = c.UserProperties("Samples")
            rst!VOICE = c.UserProperties("Voice")
            rst!OtherSoftware = c.UserProperties("Software")
            rst!Fees = c.UserProperties("Fees")
            rst!PayPal = c.UserProperties("PayPalBox")
            rst!ATAStatus = c.UserProperties("ATA accreditation/credentials")
            rst!OtherCredentials = c.UserProperties("Credentials")
            rst!ChangeDate = c.UserProperties("ChangeDate2")
            rst!ChangeUser = c.UserProperties("ChangeUser")
            ' Write data from custom multi-select fields (Languages, Specialties, Industries and Translation Software):
            ' Split up "Set TransSoft = c.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages.Item("General").Controls("TransSoft")":
            Set MyInspector = c.GetInspector
            Set GenPage = MyInspector.ModifiedFormPages.Item("General")
            Set SourceLang = GenPage.Controls("SourceLang")
            Set TargetLang = GenPage.Controls("TargetLang")
            Set Specialties = GenPage.Controls("Specialties")
            Set Industries = GenPage.Controls("Industries")
            Set TransSoft = GenPage.Controls("TransSoft")
            ' Arrange all selected fields for "Source Language" in a string, write result to DB, and clean up:
            strSourceLang = ""
                For J = 0 To (SourceLang.ListCount - 1)
                    If SourceLang.Selected(J) Then
                        arr = SourceLang.List(J)
                        strSourceLang = strSourceLang & arr & " - "
                    End If
            rst!SourceLanguages = strSourceLang
            Set SourceLang = Nothing
            Set GenPage = Nothing
            Set MyInspector = Nothing
            ' Arrange all selected fields for "Target Language" in a string, write result to DB, and clean up:
            strTargetLang = ""
            For J = 0 To (TargetLang.ListCount - 1)
                If TargetLang.Selected(J) Then
                    arr = TargetLang.List(J)
                    strTargetLang = strTargetLang & arr & " - "
                End If
            rst!TargetLanguages = strTargetLang
            Set TargetLang = Nothing
            Set GenPage = Nothing
            Set MyInspector = Nothing
            ' Arrange all selected fields for "Specialties" in a string, write result to DB, and clean up:
            strSpecialties = ""
                For J = 0 To (Specialties.ListCount - 1)
                    If Specialties.Selected(J) Then
                        arr = Specialties.List(J)
                        strSpecialties = strSpecialties & arr & " - "
                    End If
            rst!Specialties = strSpecialties
            Set Specialties = Nothing
            Set GenPage = Nothing
            Set MyInspector = Nothing
            ' Arrange all selected fields for "Industries" in a string, write result to DB, and clean up:
            strIndustries = ""
                For J = 0 To (Industries.ListCount - 1)
                    If Industries.Selected(J) Then
                        arr = Industries.List(J)
                        strIndustries = strIndustries & arr & " - "
                    End If
            rst!Industries = strIndustries
            Set Industries = Nothing
            Set GenPage = Nothing
            Set MyInspector = Nothing
            ' Arrange all selected fields for "Translation Software" in a string, write result to DB, and clean up:
            strTransSoft = ""
                For J = 0 To (TransSoft.ListCount - 1)
                    If TransSoft.Selected(J) Then
                    arr = TransSoft.List(J)
                    strTransSoft = strTransSoft & arr & " - "
                    End If
            rst!TranslationSoftware = strTransSoft
            Set TransSoft = Nothing
            Set GenPage = Nothing
            Set MyInspector = Nothing
            ' Finish row in Access DB (?):
            ' Clean up:
            Set c = Nothing
            Set MyInspector = Nothing
            Set GenPage = Nothing
            Set SourceLang = Nothing
            Set TargetLang = Nothing
            Set Specialties = Nothing
            Set Industries = Nothing
            Set TransSoft = Nothing
            Debug.Print "finished writing to access"
         End If
      ' Return to beginning of the loop (next item):
      Next I
      ' Close Access table after exporting all items:
      MsgBox "Finished."
      ' Quit Outlook process:
      Debug.Print "Quit Outlook."
      ' Suspend and Close Express ClickYes program to stop bypassing Outlook security warning:
      Res = SendMessage(wnd, uClickYes, 0, 0)
      Res = SendMessage(wnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0)
      ' Clean up:
      Set rst = Nothing
      Set olns = Nothing
      Set cf = Nothing
      Set objItems = Nothing
      Set c = Nothing
      Set MyInspector = Nothing
      Set GenPage = Nothing
      Set SourceLang = Nothing
      Set TargetLang = Nothing
      Set Specialties = Nothing
      Set Industries = Nothing
      Set TransSoft = Nothing
      Set ol = Nothing
      Set Prop = Nothing
      Exit Function
   ' No contacts in the folder:
      MsgBox "No contacts to export."
      ' Suspend and Close Express ClickYes program to stop bypassing Outlook security warning:
      Res = SendMessage(wnd, uClickYes, 0, 0)
      Res = SendMessage(wnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0)
      ' Clean up:
      Set rst = Nothing
      Set olns = Nothing
      Set cf = Nothing
      Set objItems = Nothing
      Set c = Nothing
      Set MyInspector = Nothing
      Set GenPage = Nothing
      Set SourceLang = Nothing
      Set TargetLang = Nothing
      Set Specialties = Nothing
      Set Industries = Nothing
      Set TransSoft = Nothing
      Set ol = Nothing
      Set Prop = Nothing
      Exit Function
   End If
   ' Error Message:
   strMsg = "Error number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf
   strMsg = strMsg & "Error message: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf
   strMsg = strMsg & "Error source: " & Err.Source
   MsgBox strMsg, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error"
   ' Suspend and Close Express ClickYes program to stop bypassing Outlook security warning:
   Res = SendMessage(wnd, uClickYes, 0, 0)
   Res = SendMessage(wnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0)
   ' Clean up:
   Set rst = Nothing
   Set olns = Nothing
   Set cf = Nothing
   Set objItems = Nothing
   Set c = Nothing
   Set TransSoft = Nothing
   Set SourceLang = Nothing
   Set TargetLang = Nothing
   Set Specialties = Nothing
   Set Industries = Nothing
   Set GenPage = Nothing
   Set MyInspector = Nothing
   Set ol = Nothing
   Set Prop = Nothing
   Exit Function
End Function

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