Access to set up Pricebook


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Today, 14:16
Mar 20, 2009

Would Access be a good tool set up a pricebook management system? For example, if I had an existing database for prices for specific Manufacturer, model, etc.

Can I set up query for specific list against the database? and eventually report to roll up to contract pricing? If not recommendations?

Excel management is getting quite complicated.

Thanks in advance

Table Manufacturers

Table Models



Subform Models

When Calling the report reference the Manufacturer so that only the report only lists the Current Manfacturer on the Form.

Problem is- i rarely ever used access and my learning curve on this project will be steep. Any recommended template I can use and load database?

I'll need to be walked through the processed unfortunately and would appreciate some middle ground starting point.

Thanks so responding so quickly!
There is Northwind that comes with Access but

First Start with creating the Tables

Index your data fields

Then create the Queries

Link Models to Manufacturers using Manufacturer

Then using a form wizard have a go at Creating a form.

Do it simply and you will be surprised.

You also mention excel why not try importing the information you have into access for a starting point using "Get external data" this will create your basic tables (provided the spreadsheets arr ok) sometimes you may get import errors but this is usually easily fixed.

Then you could do as Simon suggested and use the form wizard to create a few basic forms.

Good luck it may seem like hard work but is well worth it i the end - John :)
Its a good idea to switch. Excel isnt made to 'track' anything. Think of excel as a giant calculator. It takes a long time to make a db though. The one I've done took 6 months (not my primary job either), and I'm still not 100%. Although, I had to teach myself on the fly, and there is a lot to mine.
Would Access be a good tool set up a pricebook management system?

Yes - but a few caveats/warnings

Access would be an ideal tool for this - thats what a relational database is all about - but the trouble is, you will probably then want to use it for more - because a price management system doesnt stand in isolation. You need to include your product list, your supplier list, the pricing matrix that relates the two, price change history and so forth.

As you use it to manage prices, the next thing is, you will want to integrate it with your ordering system etc (or replace your exisitng ordering system), because you will find you are duplicating work.

so the thing is - what is wrong with your current ordering system that means you need a new tool - because the best thing may be to look at the whole of your management/ordering systems, and reassess your compay's requirements.

This sort of database is not trivial, for many of the above reasons. This will definitely become a big project, and you may find you are spending a lot of time (and therefore effectively money) gradually replacing/duplicating your existing systems - so you should really now at the outset review your systems, and what you want to achieve.
All, thank you for the response.

I have an existing pricebook that I can import to access.

What if I had a 50+ line item list I want to essentially compare to the pricebook for cost. Normally in excel- I would do a vlookup. Do i have to enter them one by one in the query or is there away to import against pricebook?

I won't need supplies etc. I just need to be able to use it to bid potential customers.

Try importing the spreadsheet into Access and then tidy-up the Data types and then Index.


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