Add a nickname to any member, and have that display in the main nav. (1 Viewer)


Active member
Local time
Today, 09:51
Jan 22, 2016
I like to know who I'm talking to, but some users choose names that hide their identity. They should be able to do that, no problem.
But it would be nice if I could add a nickname to any user's name, to remind me of who they are. This would not breach confidentiality, no user is required to create a nickname for themselves, this is only visible to me (just like for example the list of ignored threads is user-specific).


George Hepworth
Local time
Today, 09:51
Nov 25, 2004
I can already think of a couple of "special" nicknames I might try out. ;)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:51
Feb 28, 2001
In a sense, you already have that but it is user-optional. For instance, GPGeorge signs his real name as his secondary name. Pat made her name her login name. NauticalGent chose to reveal his name. All of us already have the option.

- Richard


Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 17:51
Sep 21, 2011
TBH, I think most members use the user ids they are used to. If one asked for their real names, they would probably lie, and make a name up?
If you stick around long enough, you do pick up members names, but apart from a few, I do not use them, as it implies a little clique, which might put sensitive members off?


Active member
Local time
Today, 09:51
Jan 22, 2016
In a sense, you already have that but it is user-optional. For instance, GPGeorge signs his real name as his secondary name. Pat made her name her login name. NauticalGent chose to reveal his name. All of us already have the option.

- Richard
My suggestion is different than what you said. It is for any user to add a nickname to any user, not for the user themselves to add a nickname.


Active member
Local time
Today, 09:51
Jan 22, 2016
TBH, I think most members use the user ids they are used to. If one asked for their real names, they would probably lie, and make a name up?
If you stick around long enough, you do pick up members names, but apart from a few, I do not use them, as it implies a little clique, which might put sensitive members off?
My suggestion is different. It does not require anyone to disclose any real name. It is a "note to self" to remind me who this person is.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:51
Feb 28, 2001
One man's opinion, and not intended to douse anyone's ambitions...

Thinking about the client/server data flow for web operations, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to implement that. Data flow is going the wrong way for that to work out easily. Not only that, but you have a limited number of potential action points.

To do that "note to self" for a given user, you would have to note that person's screen name and then associate a nickname with that name. On any given screen you would have multiple screen names (including your own). To add that nickname information, you would have to intercept the HTTP code generated by the Xenforo server and scrape the names, then either modify the page code before the display action to show the names, OR create some kind of overlay after the brower page completes. If your browser supports the moral equivalent of event code, you might get away with it. But it seems rather difficult. Still, Tom, I say "Good luck to you if you try it."

If you DO figure out a way to do it, I would be interested in knowing the overview of the data flow to support that.

- Richard

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