Adding a new record using form


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Today, 09:39
Mar 13, 2012
I want to track how often employees use certain things in the office .. such as laptops.

Person A was loaned a laptop, conference room time, company car etc.

I want all orders person A made to appear under one form.

So when I click a button "new order" a new line will appear and I can list all items loaned to Person A.
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I'm not strongest in tables, but I sense a junction table could be useful, so you might want to move this thread to the proper section.
In short it depends on whether Person A can be loaned more than one item at the same time.

Anyhow, when tables are set-up properly, you expect a listbox or (better) a datasheet sbuform in the main form with linked fields can do the trick.
Yes person A would be able to be loaned items all at once.

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