Adding an image to data - Access VBA


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Yesterday, 18:04
Sep 13, 2018
i have an access code which is working fine on one database but when i apply that code on other database it gives an error

You Can't Assign Value To This Object

Here is the code i applied on click to a button

On Error GoTo Err_Handler
    Dim strPath As String
    ' open 'file open' dialogue and get path to selected file
    strPath = GetFilePath()
    If Len(strPath) > 0 Then
        Me.ImagePath = strPath
        Me.ctrlImage.Visible = True
        Me.lblNoImage.Visible = False
    End If
    If Len(strPath) < 0 Then
    Me.ctrlImage.Visible = True
    Me.lblNoImage.Visible = False
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
    Resume Exit_here

how to fix this
It would help us help you if you said where the error occurs!

It seems likely that ImagePath is a bound control so you can't set its value to strPath. Change it to an unbound control

Also your code has 2 identical If sections!
The second one is never going to happen as Len(strPath) can NEVER be less than zero.
Perhaps you mean this

On Error GoTo Err_Handler
    Dim strPath As String
    ' open 'file open' dialogue and get path to selected file
    strPath = GetFilePath()
    If Len(strPath) > 0 Then
        Me.ImagePath = strPath
        Me.ctrlImage.Visible = True
        Me.lblNoImage.Visible = False
        Me.ctrlImage.Visible = False
    End If
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
    Resume Exit_here
but this same code is running on my second database without any errors... you can check the attached db file


You cannot set a label that has focus to visible = false, likely the error. Change the focus first.
Imagepath can be bound, not sure what is being suggested. If it is calculated you will get that error.
but this same code is running on my second database without any errors... you can check the attached db file

As I said it would help if you stated where exactly the error occurred.
The code in the attached database isn't identical as you don't have the second If section I remarked on. However I agree that the image code works.

The reason I indicated does apply when you try and assign a value to a bound control. Perhaps something different in the non working one.

It would be more useful to see the database that doesn't work

MajP - labels cannot have focus.
I agree that you wouldn't be able to hide a textbox that has focus.
However it wouldn't cause the error quoted by the OP
As I said it would help if you stated where exactly the error occurred.
The code in the attached database isn't identical as you don't have the second If section I remarked on. However I agree that the image code works.

The reason I indicated does apply when you try and assign a value to a bound control. Perhaps something different in the non working one.

It would be more useful to see the database that doesn't work

MajP - labels cannot have focus.
I agree that you wouldn't be able to hide a textbox that has focus.
However it wouldn't cause the error quoted by the OP

I have attached the database on which the code is not working. it on the form named Client Details


imagepath has a control source of Imagepath which is not in the underlying table.

you either need to remove the controlsource or add the field to the underlying table

also the controlsource of the image control should be set to " =[ImagePath]"

edit: I replaced the image control with a new one, so dont know whether your original one was corrupt.
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MajP - labels cannot have focus
Sorry I meant the cntrlImage. But I agree that the error would be something different, I believe that error states something like" you cannot hide a control that has focus"
Your MainTable does not have a field- ImagePath.
Your control "ImagePath" on the form is bound to the field ImagePath.
The error is "You cant assign a value to this object"
If you add the field to the table or make the control unbound it works fine.

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