adding images to a form


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Yesterday, 19:05
Jan 12, 2019
Hi all. I have a continues form that list around 2000 products. I want to show the image of each product . SO the user can look at the image to make sure it has the right product.

I have the images sorted in a folder on the pc. I use a field in the products table to store the location address of the image.
i have assigned the image type control source to the field holding the address of the image.

This work fine when i display the records 1 by 1. But it seem to only display some of the images when i try and use the continues form to show all.

Any body come across this before. for got to say, I think the problem might be a speed issues, from it loading the records to fast, and moves to the next record before the image is loaded

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Have a look at my example app Folder Image Viewer - Mendip Data Systems, it includes 3 different approaches including using a continuous form.
The screenshot shows a continuous form with thumbnail images and a larger image is displayed for a selected image

Two other methods are also included which you may prefer
The accompanying PDF on the Web page explains each approach used
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I must say that is the most well-written question I've seen in a long time, it was a pleasure to read. Thank you Mike!

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