Advance grade level with click of button


New member
Local time
Today, 17:51
May 11, 2010
Hello everyone,

I have a form that has a Grade combo box that contains(9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Grad,). I woul like to create a button on the form that when clicked automatically advances all records to the next grade level. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
If grade level is numeric, you can have a button run an update query to add 1 to the grade. If grade level is not numeric, create a cross reference table:
Original - New
1st - 2nd
2nd - 3rd
12 - Grad
Grad - Grad
In the query join to the xref table on the original value and update to the new value.
I’m a little confused as to the need for the combo box.

If you wish to advance all records I doubt if the combo box is required.
If you wish to advance all records as selected in the combo box then the combo box is required.

If my second assumption is correct how do you undo a mistake?
Consider all records 10th being upgraded to 11th. If it is a mistake how do you retrieve all the 10th records from the 11th records which were just upgraded by mistake?

Secondly, if all the 10th records were upgraded then the combo box would still show 10th records when in fact they have just been moved to the 11th records. Now if the 10th records are removed from the combo box then all other grades levels should also be removed from the combo box when a grade is advanced. A series of mistakes would lead to all records being in Grad and the only entry in the combo box being Grad.

As you may see, I’m trying to think about how to undo an upgrade if it is done by mistake.

Pat thanks for the reply, I will give it a try. Chris thanks as well. Had not thought of any of the scenarios you bring up. This is my first data base from scratch and I'm basically winging it. I built in the combo box when I first created the database and I'm basically making adjustments and adding things as I go.

Again I'm fairly new to this but what if I created another field or query which stored the the last grade level before the update and then create an undo button that repopulated the grade level field with the grades before the update. would that work? Not sure exactly how to go about doing it if it's even possiblepossible.

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