Solved Advanced Search Methods in Win 10 (1 Viewer)


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Today, 20:34
Oct 28, 2021
I want to improve my skills in MS Win 10 Advanced Search Methods
For example, I want to search about exact word, in google I use " " etc.. using OR and AND
How can we do this stuff in Windows search?
hi @Sarah.M,

to find files, Windows itself isn't as fast or flexible as Everything

Download Everything -- free

Everything is amazing ... and free. The first time you use it, it builds an index, and that takes a little time -- after that, it's extrmemly fast!

I can usually find a file faster with Everything than I can navigating to where it is when I know the exact location. , If you are looking for an Excel file with 'data' in the name, you can type:
xls data
and it will find XLSX, XLSM, and any file with 'xls' in the name as well as 'data' in the name

There are lots of ways it can find what you're looking for. Here are additional things you can specify with Everything:

Command Line Options
Would like to take a look at what Crystal provided, wasn't able to get to that site from work, perhaps I can see it from home.

In the mean time, in case OP hasn't seen these links, here are a few examples for searches using the file explorer. There is some overlap, but some have more screen shots to go along with the text

@sxschech, you can remove the "s" from the links in case they might render without the extra security ... for instance:

While there is stuff you can learn about Windows search, I find it inefficient and lacking flexibility ... been using Everything more than a decade ...
@strive4peace tried your suggestion. Even tried using standard google search and click on result, unable to view the site from work. Maybe I'll try to get there using a windows search instead... :confused:
@sxschech, too bad things are so locked down. If you had the installation file, could you even install it? I save a lot of time using Everything
hi @Sarah.M,

to find files, Windows itself isn't as fast or flexible as Everything

Download Everything -- free

Everything is amazing ... and free. The first time you use it, it builds an index, and that takes a little time -- after that, it's extrmemly fast!

I can usually find a file faster with Everything than I can navigating to where it is when I know the exact location. , If you are looking for an Excel file with 'data' in the name, you can type:
xls data
and it will find XLSX, XLSM, and any file with 'xls' in the name as well as 'data' in the name

There are lots of ways it can find what you're looking for. Here are additional things you can specify with Everything:

Command Line Options
Hi, thanks for this suggestion, I can not install this kind of software at work, so I need the information to be with Win 10 Search advanced search what are the tips and tricks to use AND OR and Mach Case etc... in winnows?

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