I have a text file, The text file is delimited by the number of characters, This file is dropped into a sharepoint site on a daily basis. The previous days file is overwritten.
I have a access database that needs a connection to that file, The data is imported daily, and appended to a table which is stored in SqlServer
Currently i run a task in Task scheduler, that copies the file onto a local drive, then access imports the data and appends into the SQL Back end.
but this only works when i am logged on - so trying to think of a way it can run autonomously.
I was thinking, that if i created a list in Sharepoint, then on a daily basis i would delete the previous days data, and then update with todays data, but when i have started this Delete action as a Flow it is taking far too long.
What would be the most efficient way to delete this data (Current list has 17000 rows, and is taking ages to delete,- and then i would need to update with the data from todays file ?
I am limited to any software i can install on my laptop, so mainly trying to do this with Office 365.
Any help appreciated.
I have a access database that needs a connection to that file, The data is imported daily, and appended to a table which is stored in SqlServer
Currently i run a task in Task scheduler, that copies the file onto a local drive, then access imports the data and appends into the SQL Back end.
but this only works when i am logged on - so trying to think of a way it can run autonomously.
I was thinking, that if i created a list in Sharepoint, then on a daily basis i would delete the previous days data, and then update with todays data, but when i have started this Delete action as a Flow it is taking far too long.
What would be the most efficient way to delete this data (Current list has 17000 rows, and is taking ages to delete,- and then i would need to update with the data from todays file ?
I am limited to any software i can install on my laptop, so mainly trying to do this with Office 365.
Any help appreciated.