All application


Dick S
Local time
Today, 08:17
Jun 9, 2009
Justn a thought? Would this (to liberals Minds) satisfy to eliminate discrimination on government employment. All application would be summited resume to hiring entity, without name, (just number in separate storage) minus race, religious affiliation, minus politician affiliation, or anything else than is deemed discriminatory. Hire would then be based solely on merit.
Justn a thought?
You're making the assumption that the progressives want to be fair. They don't want to be fair. They want to provide "equity" to make outcomes equal. I really want to know why I can't be the President. Why does Kamala get to be the anointed candidate without a single citizen voting for her? Why can't it be me, me, me, me, me. I guess that's what the Democrats mean when they talk about "our democracy". It is not Democracy as you or I would recognize. It is some perverted version that they are making up as they go along. I guess some people are just more equal than other people.
You're making the assumption that the progressives want to be fair. They don't want to be fair. They want to provide "equity" to make outcomes equal. I really want to know why I can't be the President. Why does Kamala get to be the anointed candidate without a single citizen voting for her? Why can't it be me, me, me, me, me. I guess that's what the Democrats mean when they talk about "our democracy". It is not Democracy as you or I would recognize. It is some perverted version that they are making up as they go along. I guess some people are just more equal than other people.
of course. My point well hidden, was that it would not appeased them. I have a friend from Cuba now FL who was a dentist in Cuba.
she made not much more that day labors. Why spend all that studying if you can make as much picking pickles. Lets all be poor together. Not my kind of equality. BTW: Pat you have my vote.
Why does Kamala get to be the anointed candidate without a single citizen voting for her?
Wasn't Kamala co-elected as Vice President?

I read that Trump is very angry because he invested a lot of money in insults against Biden that have now ended up in the trash.
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It has been illegal to judge people on merit for some time now.
Diversity and the forced acceptance of incompetence is the way of the world today.

Low standards are now the acceptable norm in this woke world of nonsense.
All you need to do is look at the service and the people at your local authority, your broadband suppler, your utility supplier to know that.
Still 25% of children leave school unable to complete basic maths or English exercises. The education authorities know this and simply couldn't care less. Individual teachers prefer this situation because they'd rather talk to them about trans stuff than teach them what little they actually know.
Wasn't Kamala co-elected as Vice President?
We do not elect the VP. In the Constitution, the VP was the person running for President with the second highest vote count. That turned out to not be logical since it isn't good for the President and VP to be enemies. They need to cooperate. So the Constitution was changed to make the VP the pick of the President.

In the 2020 primary, Kamala was so unpopular with voters she couldn't even get enough votes on her own to stay in the Primary debates so she dropped out before the first actual primary vote. She was appointed VP because she checks certain DEI boxes (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion). Meaning, she's "black", she's "female" (we think), her parents are "immigrants". Notice so far the distinct lack of the words "competence" and "experience" and "popularity"

Sadly, we have many racists in the Democrat party who believe the color of your skin and your preferred type of sex partner is relevant to how you will do once you have a job. Until two weeks ago, the talking heads were beside themselves because they knew she could never win enough votes. Hiring a blind pilot to fly your plane makes more sense. At least most of the cockpit devices could be made to say their settings/values although that would make the cockpit chaotic. This week the useful idiots of the media think she's the best thing since sliced-bread. The second coming in fact. Of course, they haven't let her say a word that has been unscripted. She reads from a teleprompter. The press used to give the White House the questions ahead of time so they are probably continuing that with Kamala so she can have something written down to read rather than trying to speak extemporaneously. Her debate with Trump should be pretty amusing although totally unfair since she will have the opportunity to prepare answers whereas he will be on his own against the wolves.

So the people responsible for covering for Joe are now covering for Kamala and they're doing it with a vengeance.
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There is a lot of hate, intolerance and impudence in such a statement.
You are entitled to your opinion and obviously can't take a joke so let us not discuss hate, intolerance and impudence because people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
I don't live in a glass house, and I certainly don't throw stones, not even for fun.
But it seems to me that there is no mirror in your house that gives you a real image of yourself.
Hire would then be based solely on merit.

Oh, <gasp><choke> you can't POSSIBLY mean that people would have to actually work to learn things. People would have to work to earn money and position. Oh, you terribly radical person, you. If you aren't careful, one night you will awaken to chanting as a crowd of dusty villagers will surround your house. They will wave pitchforks and scythes in the air and will wave burning torches around. Someone will say "Kill the monster before it ruins everything."

Gotta watch that, Dick. You'll get a bad reputation.
Oh, <gasp><choke> you can't POSSIBLY mean that people would have to actually work to learn things. People would have to work to earn money and position. Oh, you terribly radical person, you. If you aren't careful, one night you will awaken to chanting as a crowd of dusty villagers will surround your house. They will wave pitchforks and scythes in the air and will wave burning torches around. Someone will say "Kill the monster before it ruins everything."

Gotta watch that, Dick. You'll get a bad reputation.
All those Mexicans that cut the grass, clean up messes, and build our houses, all work strictly on merit.
It has been illegal to judge people on merit for some time now.
Diversity and the forced acceptance of incompetence is the way of the world today.

Low standards are now the acceptable norm in this woke world of nonsense.
All you need to do is look at the service and the people at your local authority, your broadband suppler, your utility supplier to know that.
Still 25% of children leave school unable to complete basic maths or English exercises. The education authorities know this and simply couldn't care less. Individual teachers prefer this situation because they'd rather talk to them about trans stuff than teach them what little they actually know.
Not in construction, not in chemical plants, not in restaraunts, not in small business in general.
Not in construction, not in chemical plants, not in restaraunts, not in small business in general.

But any place that used DEI as a mantra (perhaps because they have some government mandate due to a contract), the "E" in DEI says that meritocracy is not observed here.
All those Mexicans that cut the grass, clean up messes, and build our houses, all work strictly on merit.

The guys who repaired our house after Hurricane Katrina and again after Hurricane Ida were Mexican but were legally here. Both times, the construction company had certificates that were required by our local government to demonstrate eligibility. Our construction permits required it.

The guys who do our lawn aren't Mexicans. The guys who do the sewer work in our area don't look Mexican and when they talk, don't use Spanish or heavily accented English.

The guys who did our last household construction and repair were Honduran and were legally here.

You are merely throwing accusations out in a furious attempt to muddy the waters, to obscure the truth.
Justn a thought? Would this (to liberals Minds) satisfy to eliminate discrimination on government employment. All application would be summited resume to hiring entity, without name, (just number in separate storage) minus race, religious affiliation, minus politician affiliation, or anything else than is deemed discriminatory. Hire would then be based solely on merit.

It wouldn't because liberals aren't aiming for equality of opportunity. They're aiming for EQUITY, which they openly and honestly describe as achieving the same outcome for different people. So if blacks or women aren't achieving the same outcome, then "equity" demands that the governmment un-level the playing field to "make" certain people successful.

It's just classic socialism, nothing more or less. That's why many Democrats openly praise Marxist writings, books, influencers, historical people, etc
All those Mexicans that cut the grass, clean up messes, and build our houses, all work strictly on merit.
No, they work for slave wages but more importantly, they have no insurance so if they get hurt on your property, be prepared to lose your house. Any citizen or legal resident who hires an illegal alien is contributing to the problem.
So if blacks or women aren't achieving the same outcome, then "equity" demands that the governmment un-level the playing field to "make" certain people successful.
I don't care what anyone says about my swimming skills. I should have been on the USA swim team. I deserve to be. I deserve to go to Paris. If any of you say anything different, you're just misogynists and racists and ageists and outright haters.
No, they work for slave wages but more importantly, they have no insurance so if they get hurt on your property, be prepared to lose your house. Any citizen or legal resident who hires an illegal alien is contributing to the problem.

I don't care what anyone says about my swimming skills. I should have been on the USA swim team. I deserve to be. I deserve to go to Paris. If any of you say anything different, you're just misogynists and racists and ageists and outright haters.
Pat, just stay away from Misquamicut State Beach
No, they work for slave wages but more importantly, they have no insurance so if they get hurt on your property, be prepared to lose your house. Any citizen or legal resident who hires an illegal alien is contributing to the problem.
If you were only partially wrong, that would be something, but you are actually mostly wrong. They make more than indigenous people working at McDonalds or Walmart.
Walmart managers make good money but only about one in 5000 make it to managing a store. In construction anyone that works hard, and doesn't make a lot of screw up, shows up make a good living.

It's really interesting to see just how uniformed people can be.

If nobody hired them, the country would come to an immediate and grinding halt. I wonder, have you ever imagined what an epiphany feels like?
Pat, just stay away from Misquamicut State Beach
OMG. that was my favorite beach when I was in high school. We didn't go to the state beach though. We went to one of the beaches between the state beach and the town beach which was owned by some dive bar with really good food and more convenient restrooms than the state beach.

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