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OMG. that was my favorite beach when I was in high school. We didn't go to the state beach though. We went to one of the beaches between the state beach and the town beach which was owned by some dive bar with really good food and more convenient restrooms than the state beach.
OMG. that was my favorite beach when I was in high school. We didn't go to the state beach though. We went to one of the beaches between the state beach and the town beach which was owned by some dive bar with really good food and more convenient restrooms than the state beach.
I went to all of them one time or another, depending which had the most girls, but my favorite was Scarborough State Beach, (most girls) hope you were not the one that slapped my face.
I don't think so. We were pretty loyal to the Blue Sands. I think that was their name at the time. I looked at a map today and it looks like there is only one of the old dives left. I think the Blue Sands was the third dive after the state beach but only the lot adjacent to the state beach has the kind of structure that would have been there when I was a kid. The rest have more built up structures.

I know the surf is nothing like what you get on the west coast but to me it was terrifying just to body surf in.
I don't think so. We were pretty loyal to the Blue Sands. I think that was their name at the time. I looked at a map today and it looks like there is only one of the old dives left. I think the Blue Sands was the third dive after the state beach but only the lot adjacent to the state beach has the kind of structure that would have been there when I was a kid. The rest have more built up structures.

I know the surf is nothing like what you get on the west coast but to me it was terrifying just to body surf in.
just a joke, you were too young to have been on the beach when I was a teen
Not in construction, not in chemical plants, not in restaraunts, not in small business in general.
I disagree about construction,
We moved from the North to Gloucestershire over ten years ago and I haven't come across anyone I would call a tradesman.
Plenty of DIY guys and labourers who went out and bought a van calling themselves tradesmen. They haven't even got the tools needed and the tools they have aren't looked after. If you want an obvious indicator. Just look at the dashboards, piled up with paper and coffee cups every time you see their vans. How they ever find anything in the back of their vans I'll never know. Even people calling themselves gardeners are basically clueless on all things horticultural. All they are capable of is pushing a lawn mower. I have been forced to do any work needed myself. The only thing I haven't done is electrical work. At one point I was at the point of bringing an electrician 180 miles down from the North until I dropped on a guy that was acceptable.

Don't know about the oil/chem industry nowadays and restaurants I cannot comment on. Since 2020 we haven't eaten anything that wasn't made by someone we knew. No meals out, no takeaways. We think that is why we have never caught Corona virus? Too many of those people making the meals were infected and simply passed it on.
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My son was at school the other day, an ASU campus, and he saw a building being constructed with many laborers, and he saw hardly any Mexican looking people, most were pudgy white americans most likely not immigrants
My son was at school the other day, an ASU campus, and he saw a building being constructed with many laborers, and he saw hardly any Mexican looking people, most were pudgy white americans most likely not immigrants
They work less, but you get what you pay.

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