And the winner for best film is . . . . (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:40
Feb 22, 2002
They call it car crash TV. Fabulous.

Billions of people watching it live worldwide and what an absolute disaster. The USA is already the laughing stock of the world with a maniac as president, then they put on a brilliant fiasco like the oscars.

Best thing to cheer me up in years, thanks Yanks, you lot really are priceless. What are you going to do next? Fake another moon landing?



Banishment Pending
Local time
Today, 02:40
May 11, 2011
Still not over that tea incident are you?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:40
Feb 22, 2002
I guess that date with a cliff hasn't happend yet. Pity...

Not yet. It's just under 3 years away, so you have some time to wait yet. No doubt you will continue to mention it after every post of mine, which is fine, but somewhat tiresome. However, if that subject is the limit of your knowledge, then so be it.

Oh, and try a spell checker, they correct spelling mistakes.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:40
Feb 28, 2001
Colin, you haven't figured it out yet? It was actually a clever ploy by DJT, who will in a few days announce that he has discovered that the accountants at Price Waterhouse Cooper were all illegal aliens conspiring to bring attention to the skills they bring to our country.

{wipes up floor to prevent careless bystanders from slipping on dripped irony}


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:40
May 22, 2010
Price Waterhouse Cooper did DJT a huge favor, basically negated all the criticism.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:40
Feb 22, 2002
Apparently the chap who made the USA the laughing stock of the world is not Mr Trump, it's Brian Cullinan who works for PWC.
He is splashed across all the newspapers today. The best headline in my opinion was the Star, "The award for the best **** up goes to......." taking up the whole front page, it's brilliant the arrogant USA is a worldwide joke.

I'm sure Mr Trump will resume his rightful role in the near future and trump Mr Cullinan.

Last edited:


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:40
Feb 28, 2001
Gent, you aren't the first and won't be the last to be miffed over Col's comments. I am as pro-USA as anyone. I won't even make excuses for him. But the problem is that the moment you stoop to his level of name-calling, even with provocation, you make it easier for yourself to do again next time for less provocation.

I see Col as a sad, tired, lonely, bitter person who sees himself as marking time until he kicks the bucket. I basically just don't give him the satisfaction of biting at his particular bait anymore. I offer it as advice to you.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:40
May 22, 2010
I've had a few disagreements with col over the years, :eek: It would not make me happy to see col end his life period. That would be a sad day for this forum.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:40
Feb 22, 2002
I really can't see why people like old "hello sailor" get so touchy. For years the USA has been lording it over the world telling anyone who listens how great they are. Ok, I admit the USA is better in many ways, that is not disputed.
The joke comes when the USA people vote in a nutcase as the president, despite him polling the lesser number of populace votes. Every day on the news we see what a shambles he is making of the USA.
Then along comes the oscars, the yearly farcical ceremony where very rich people award themselves a cheap statue. The organisers know it is on TV worldwide to be watched by billions - live. Yet the most basic mistake was made turning it into a cheap z rated show plus, giving the world the best laugh for ages.
Trump will continue to give us all a good laugh - until he starts WW3.

The advice to the USA is don't tell everyone how great you are (because you're not), then when it goes tits up, the world just may sympathise, but every day in the UK papers and on TV there is some knocking the USA, it is a standard pastime in the UK. If you don't like it then shut up and bugger off. It's not going to stop whilst Trump is president.

As for my longer term plan, I have covered that on another thread. Old Hello Sailor will get her wish in due course.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:40
Feb 28, 2001
Col, we are people too. We have our problems with immigration, legal and otherwise. We have our problem with our own people going "on the dole" and refusing to work though able-bodied. We have our problems with aging infrastructure. We have our problem with politicians spending money that should be in our pockets - but isn't.

You guys have the same problems. OF COURSE we think we are better. OF COURSE your UK friends think THEY are better. I wouldn't doubt that people in the Republic of South Africa think they are better. EVERYBODY wants to be able to brag about something.

These days I brag that I haven't killed any small, slow, dull, stupid animals lately. Hey, it ain't much... but to start being a humanitarian, you have to start SOMEWHERE. The point is, WHO CARES about the USA bragging? In your own way, you are bragging in a destructive way - by attempt a diminutive comparison of the USA vs. UK.

I know we won't change you, Col. But there IS such a thing as being a bit TOO joyful over the misery of others. It speaks volumes regarding your bitterness.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 00:40
May 22, 2010
Then along comes the oscars, the yearly farcical ceremony where very rich people award themselves a cheap statue. The organisers know it is on TV worldwide to be watched by billions - live. Yet the most basic mistake was made turning it into a cheap z rated show plus, giving the world the best laugh for ages.
The numbers are not in the billions, 34.4 million. To put that number in perspective, I believe 114 million watched the super bowl last year.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:40
Feb 22, 2002
No Doc, you just don't understand. Nobody is denying the socio-economic problems of the USA. God knows it's bad enough here, for example, if you go to casualty in hospital, you can look forward to a four hour wait to be seen and maybe 12+ hours waiting on a trolley in a corridor to be admitted.
In town centres you see tramps rifling bins and sleeping in doorways, there are rats and vermin almost everywhere. There are plenty more examples.

A national pastime here is to knock the USA, in the papers, on TV, even on TV news. It's just a bit of fun like talking about the weather or football.
Americans make such a song and dance about how great the oscars are for weeks before, then look what happens.
They say USA troops are great, yet they bomb hospitals and allies in friendly fire. White police kill black people even if they are unarmed.
The USA makes massive PR about voting in GW Bush yet he turns out to be a mass murderer warmongerer, just wanting to finish a war his daddy started. Then not having learnt from that, they vote in a freak who is a total looney.

Can't you see what a joke it all is? I'll say one thing, it cheers a lot of people up watching the USA freak show, every day with Trump is a joke, the oscars were a bonus.
Remember the Edsel fiasco? Or Nixon? Challenger?



Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 03:40
Apr 27, 2015
Well AWF commandos, I did some pondering about my comments and have come to the conclusion that what I have said is rude and inappropriate.

I ask that Colin and everyone else who has read them to please look past it and not hold me in contempt for too long.

Thank you...


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:40
Feb 22, 2002
Well AWF commandos, I did some pondering about my comments and have come to the conclusion that what I have said is rude and inappropriate.

I ask that Colin and everyone else who has read them to please look past it and not hold me in contempt for too long.

Thank you...

I don't hold you in contempt, you are entitled to say what you feel.
I think the British look at things differently to Americans, what is normal in the UK can be totally a no go area in the USA. That's the way it is.
I just say what I read or hear, if people think I am a troll or whatever, then they are labelling the majority of the U.K. the same.
Verbal sparring in lighthearted fun is good for the mind.

Ps, I thought a troll lived under a bridge, wasn't that a song by Danny Kaye or someone like that?



Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 03:40
Oct 17, 2012
You know, I have quite a few UK friends (can't say British or the Scot will hunt me down...), and yet not a single one of them displays the unrelenting hatred of the US that C vomits forth.

There is a line between 'having a good bit of fun knocking' a group and reviling it, and C is so far past that line that it's no longer even visible. He 'pokes fun' at the US the way anti-abortion activists 'knock' abortion clinics and the Westboro Baptist Church 'knocks' LGBTQ folks.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:40
Feb 22, 2002
You know, I have quite a few UK friends (can't say British or the Scot will hunt me down...), and yet not a single one of them displays the unrelenting hatred of the US that C vomits forth.

There is a line between 'having a good bit of fun knocking' a group and reviling it, and C is so far past that line that it's no longer even visible. He 'pokes fun' at the US the way anti-abortion activists 'knock' abortion clinics and the Westboro Baptist Church 'knocks' LGBTQ folks.

I would send an email to Jon if I were you. A while back you revelled in the fact you blocked my posts so you didn't have to read them, yet you still magically comment on them as if you have read them. Or are they just too irresistible to you and your miserable life was empty without them.



Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 03:40
Apr 27, 2015
You know, I have quite a few UK friends (can't say British or the Scot will hunt me down...), and yet not a single one of them displays the unrelenting hatred of the US that C vomits...

FrothingSlosh, I hear you loud and clear. 24 hours ago I think I could have taken a good old Red White and Blue Louisville Slugger to Colin's Union Jack bollocks and watch him writh in pain with a smile on my face...

But that "Hello Sailor" bit made me laugh... I even composed a come-back, something to the tune of reminiscing what his mother said to his father on her first working date, but thought better of it. And while I was on the subject of "thinking better of it" I put things in perspective and decided my prompting him to hasten his demise simply because he put in words what I, for one, was thinking was a little over the top.

Colin's a real piece of work, there is no denying that...but life is 5% what you make it and 95% how you TAKE it. I can't change everything about the world that pisses me off, but I can decide on how I am going to let it affect me.

Funny thing is, for the first time, I think I MAY have seen a little humanity seeping out of his exoskeleton despite his best efforts to conceal it.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 03:40
Oct 17, 2012
Colin's a real piece of work, there is no denying that...but life is 5% what you make it and 95% how you TAKE it. I can't change everything about the world that pisses me off, but I can decide on how I am going to let it affect me.

Which is typically why I just ignore the fool.


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 03:40
Apr 27, 2015
Which is typically why I just ignore the fool.

You do realize that you pitched what we in the Softball community call a "steak-um"?

I can predict how he is going to reply with about 92.3% accuracy!


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 03:40
Oct 17, 2012
3,276's part of my secret experiment in rage-induced strokes!

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