Another mass shooting

Based on realpolitik concepts, you don't want to bring into this country people who will have no loyalty to the country and who, given the opportunity, would seek to undermine the country.
This is EXACTLY why the Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudis, Lebanese, and all the other Muslim countries flatly refuse to take Palestinian refugees. The Palestinian refugees they have accepted in the past have been disloyal and nothing but trouble. What do they know that we are too stupid to know? Why did Kuwait expel 200,000 Palestinian refugees after the Gulf War ended?

I really hate to lump all Palestinians into one bucket but we have no way of filtering out the ones who should be given the chance and those that should rot with their Hamas leaders.

Granted, the other Muslim countries are partially responsible for their problems with the refugees by never actually accepting them as citizens. Refugees who fled Israel in 1948 spawned generations of offspring who are also refugees despite being born in other countries. Part of this problem is caused by the UN and their separation of Palestinian refugees as a separate class from other displaced people and part by the way that Muslim countries handle citizenship. But, now that we are all about "diversity" rather than unity, we have the exact same problem. "e pluribus unum" is no longer our motto. THAT was our strength. Not a polyglot of unassimilated people each acting independently. A piece of straw is easily broken. A bale is not. Diversity as defined by the Dems is NOT our strength. It will be our downfall. We need to pull together.
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Another four years of Papa Joe at the helm with Kamala waiting in the wings for Joe's eventual decline into public dementia too profound to be ignored.
you'll have to simplify that for me richard. I don't get it. so you're saying I'm wrong? the white house is worse than ca?
you'll have to simplify that for me richard. I don't get it. so you're saying I'm wrong? the white house is worse than ca?
The damage Joe Biden has done in the past three years eclipses anything California has done in the same time period. The border, stagflation, chaos everywhere there's no comparison if you look 👀.
the white house is worse than ca?

The CURRENT White House is worse than CA, because of Sleepy Joe now and because of the potential inherent in having VP Harris. Have you EVER listened to her talk? Don't EVER give that woman an assignment to speak extemporaneously. I rate her as being able to generate four international crises per hour when she is speaking.
Harris is the result of DIE. She slept her way to the top in California and maybe also to get to be VP. She had to do something to make up for calling Biden out as a racist. Clearly she has no scruples. Why would she ever lower herself to work for a racist? She'll do anything to get to the top. She has no redeeming features and the only reason she is on the ticket again is because the Dems can't face the backlash of dumping her despite her complete and utter failure as VP.
besides voting day, I pretty much stay the hell out of it.
But then how can you tell that the Dems have gone full on anti-semitic and anti-American? How can you hear the ignorant children chanting "death to America" and "from the river to the sea" and "free Palestine". Palestine doesn't even exist and if they really mean "free Gaza", well, the Israelis left Gaza under the wise guiding hands of Hamas in either 2004 or 2006 so Israel removed all their troops and settlers 20 years ago.

Apparently the college history textbooks don't mention that. The history books also seem to have glossed over the "two-state" solution which the British left the Jews and Arabs with in 1948. Oh, yeah! I forgot:( Egypt invaded and occupied Gaza and Jordan absconded with the West Bank in 1948 so the second state never got to form and it wasn't because Israel prevented it. It was because the Arab "neighbors" prevented it. History be damned!!!! Who needs to read history? It wasn't until 1967 when the Arab "neighbors" ganged up and invaded Israel AGAIN that Israel reached out and captured the Golan heights, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Sinai for good measure. Israel gave the Sinai back to Egypt 20 years later but kept Gaza until 2004-2006, all the while trying to help them to build a country and a way of life that integrated them into larger Israel before Israel washed their hands of the evil Hamas and left them to take care of themselves. Egypt promptly built a wall to prevent people from escaping from Gaza into Egypt. And to this day, Egypt and the rest of the "neighbors" flatly refuse to take in any Palestinian refugees. But Joe is pushing for us to take them in. Apparently we haven't already imported enough people who hate us during the past three years of our open border. We need more and this time, they will be actual, trained, terrorists.
@AngelSpeaks I noticed your like of my previous post. I have a question. History in the US relies heavily on the early civilizations of the fertile crescent (Middle East), Egypt, Greece, Rome and Europe. We also spent time in China and some for Japan and India and indigenous peoples of the Americas. Almost none in Africa below the Sahara. But, given when I went through school, most of my history was WWII and earlier. I was out of school before the partitioning of Palestine so all I know of that period, I know because I spent time living in Kuwait and that peaked my interest. Plus I had a couple of close friends who were Holocaust survivors.

So, the question for you is - how much of Western history do you study. I would think, your education would concentrate on Asia and work out.

For the youngsters out there, if you were in school in the 80's or later, how much of the history of Israel and the wars of the Middle East prior to the two gulf wars, did you study? Do you know there was a 2-state solution in 1948 and the Arabs totally rejected it because their position from the formation of Israel was that Israel had to die?
I guess I don't hear them until they're in my own back yard, Pat. The war is not here, it is over there.
I guess I don't hear them until they're in my own back yard, Pat. The war is not here, it is over there.

Adam, let's try that again. Look at the USA college campuses and tell us that someone isn't trying to start something here in the continental USA. Just how far back does your back yard go?
@AngelSpeaks I noticed your like of my previous post. I have a question. History in the US relies heavily on the early civilizations of the fertile crescent (Middle East), Egypt, Greece, Rome and Europe. We also spent time in China and some for Japan and India and indigenous peoples of the Americas. Almost none in Africa below the Sahara. But, given when I went through school, most of my history was WWII and earlier. I was out of school before the partitioning of Palestine so all I know of that period, I know because I spent time living in Kuwait and that peaked my interest. Plus I had a couple of close friends who were Holocaust survivors.

So, the question for you is - how much of Western history do you study. I would think, your education would concentrate on Asia and work out.

For the youngsters out there, if you were in school in the 80's or later, how much of the history of Israel and the wars of the Middle East prior to the two gulf wars, did you study? Do you know there was a 2-state solution in 1948 and the Arabs totally rejected it because their position from the formation of Israel was that Israel had to die?
Hi Pat. I do remember a lot of history and at times, I will research something. I always find your posts to be extremely well thought out.

I do remember that a two state solution was presented. We're probably close on age so we lived through the same events. For as long as I could remember, some Muslim country has been trying to destroy Israel. During the first Gulf War, the US had to deploy their Patriot missiles to prevent Iraq from attacking Israel with their scud missiles. If a missile hit Israel, they would have annilated Iraq but then the Arab countries that were our allies would pull out. Since Israel knows how to fight back, most of their attacks have been from terrorists. And the rest of us aren't immune from these attacks. Remember the Berlin Olympics?
Look at the USA college campuses and tell us that someone isn't trying to start something here in the continental USA
I saw the campus protests in the papers, yes. fBut does that really mean that someone is trying to start a war here in the USA? College students protest nearly everything don't they? They protested Mr. Floyd's death and there was no war then, just a bunch of hoopla.
Remember the Berlin Olympics?
I remember them well. But apparently my "President" doesn't. Otherwise, why would he be proposing to import Palestinian terrorists who the rest of the Arab world WILL NOT ACCEPT. Ask yourself, what do they know that we don't? President is in quotes because we really don't know who is steering the ship, You can tell that just by listening to Biden try to speak without reading a teleprompter. Someone else is pulling the strings.
But does that really mean that someone is trying to start a war here in the USA?
No. It just means that ignorant children are being manipulated. Notice the lovely pastel colored tents that someone pulling the strings paid for and the very expensive profesional signs. Clearly, when you see "free Palestine" signs you know that they don't have a clue that Israel withdrew from Gaza 20 years ago including pulling their settlers. There was quite the internal disagreement about that but they did it.

The "President" is trying to play both sides of the table. He is supplying Israel and funding Hamas. He is also talking about importing Palestinian terrorists because he needs the Muslim vote to win Michigan and Minnesota.
Are you aware that the Biden administration isn't content with just having an open border, they are sending planes to import "legal" illegal aliens from several countries such as Haiti and Venezuela. They imported 1.2 million this way last year and 800,000 the year before on top of the ones that crossed the Rio Grande. These they are actually calling refugees so we are paying the full freight to support them. No count on ho many so far this year. They are pushing hard to get enough illegal alien voters imported in time to beat Trump since they can't beat him without cheating.

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