Append or update query based on dlookup

If application_id will already exist in your table you will need to use an update query, that might look something like;

UPDATE tbl_opr INNER JOIN tbl_opr_temp ON tbl_opr.application_id = tbl_opr_temp.f30 SET tbl_opr.recruitment_story_6 = DLookUp("[F1]","tbl_opr_temp","[f29]=" & [f29]+4)
WHERE (((tbl_opr_temp.F1) Like "if you were unable to recruit*"))
You did it! Thank you so much JBB. For being willing to share your knowledge, and for being patient enough to help me eventually ask the right question! Now I think I can base a series of other queries on this SQL to extract the rest of the information from my temp table.

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