April Fools Day: What are you planning - Done - or Heard about done for April 1st?


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Today, 13:40
Oct 22, 2009
Added below the Best 2016 April Fool Jokes

What's your plan or story?
In 1965, during the Cold War, a high school shop class got some oil barrels wielded together to make a long cylinder. They added missile looking fins on the back end with a nozzle. There was no cone.
They painted it black and detailed the U.S.S.R and other official looking symbols.
Very early morning, they dug a big hole in the back yard of the High School shop teacher. Stuck it into the ground at an angle.
Then they put a firework smoke bombs in the tail.
To wake up the teacher, they set off several M-80's. These are sold to farmers to blow out tree stumps (about a 1/4 stick of dynamite).

The teacher was shaken out of his bed. He ran to the back door, as reported by the hiding high-school kids.
He saw what one can only imagine to be a un-denoted soviet atomic missile that was the dreaded final war.
He had a heart attack and died.

I heard this on an official news story about going too far.
Of course for me as a young kid.... it was a challenge. ;)
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On April Fools day I will be going into work, that is the biggest joke of all..
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From Downunder: The best April Fools prank in my memory was our local (South Australian) Australian Broadcasting (then) Commission current affairs program This Day Tonight (TDT). At the time Australia was in the throws of converting to the metric system and the brains trust at TDT came up with the notion of switching to "metric time".

This whole story was given great credibility through the participation of our then Deputy Premier, Des Corcoran, a no nonsense career soldier who had rise from the ranks to Major before retiring. South Australia also had a reputation for pioneering social and political reform at the time.

The combination of all these elements, especially Des' no-nonsense explanation of how it would work and its undoubted benefits to the state both socially and economically, Made the prank successful in both hoodwinking the public and, upon its unmasking, providing u all with a huge laugh.
I rank that prank as well above the famous BBC April Fools story on the catastrophic failure of the Italian "spaghetti crop".

That was a BBC very bad April Fools joke.
The BBC. In the 50's they did a news segment on the harvesting of spaghetti from trees. https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Modern News, just doesn't do that kind of thing anymore...
From Downunder: The best April Fools prank in my memory was our local (South Australian) Australian Broadcasting (then) Commission current affairs program This Day Tonight (TDT). At the time Australia was in the throws of converting to the metric system and the brains trust at TDT came up with the notion of switching to "metric time".

This whole story was given great credibility through the participation of our then Deputy Premier, Des Corcoran, a no nonsense career soldier who had rise from the ranks to Major before retiring. South Australia also had a reputation for pioneering social and political reform at the time.

The combination of all these elements, especially Des' no-nonsense explanation of how it would work and its undoubted benefits to the state both socially and economically, Made the prank successful in both hoodwinking the public and, upon its unmasking, providing u all with a huge laugh.
I rank that prank as well above the famous BBC April Fools story on the catastrophic failure of the Italian "spaghetti crop".

That was a BBC very bad April Fools joke.
The BBC. In the 50's they did a news segment on the harvesting of spaghetti from trees. https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

Modern News, just doesn't do that kind of thing anymore...

Reminds me of the real debate of moving teh clocks forward in teh summer in Western Australia . Many were worried that the extra hour of sun would fade their curtains!

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