Arrays and the Split Function (1 Viewer)

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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:49
Jun 23, 2002
In its simplest form an array is like a train composed of boxcars, each boxcar with its own cargo.

Train's boxcars...
| Milk | Bread | Apples |

An array's boxcars are called elements, and its elements hold data.

An array of numbers...
| 333 | 222 | 672 |

An array of text...
| Bob | Lee | Joe |

This post will show you how to create simple, one-dimensional dynamic arrays (an array that can have an uncertain, flexible number of elements), filling the elements with the handy Split function. Once data is dished-out to an array, it is relatively easy to analyze...

To use the code below, first create a "test form" and put a button on it. In the button's click event handler, paste the following code...

'Get the file name.
   MsgBox GetFileName("C:\MyFolder\Myfile.txt")

'Get the drive letter.
   MsgBox GetDriveLetter("C:\MyFolder\Myfile.txt")

'Is there beer?
   If DoesItemExist("beer-bread-peaches-yams", "-", "beer") Then
      MsgBox "Yes! Beer Exists!"
      MsgBox "No beer here."
   End If

And in the form's code window, below the button's code, paste the following...

Function GetFileName(ByVal Path As String) As String
' Description:   Given a file path, return the file name.
' Parameter:     Path = Full folder path.
' Returns:       "C:\MyFolder\Myfile.txt" returns Myfile.txt

'Create a dynamic array.
   Dim sParts() As String

'Split the path into parts,
'using the backslash as a delimiter,
'filling the array's elements with the
'broken up string segments.
   sParts = Split(Path, "\")

' At this point, the array
' named sParts would look 
' something like the following:
' --------------------------------
' |  0   |     1    |     2      |
' --------------------------------
' |  C:  | MyFolder | MyFile.txt |
' --------------------------------

' In code you may refer to a specific
' element by its numbered position:

' sParts(0) = C:
' sParts(1) = MyFolder
' sParts(2) = MyFile.txt

' Or you can simply get the last element
' using the handy UBound function...
   GetFileName = sParts(UBound(sParts))

End Function

Function GetDriveLetter(ByVal Text As String) _
As String
' Description:   Given a file path, return the drive letter.
' Parameter:     Text = Full file path.
' Returns:       "C:\MyFolder\Myfile.txt" returns C:

' See the code comments in the GetFileName function above.
   Dim sParts() As String
   sParts = Split(Text, "\")
   GetDriveLetter = sParts(LBound(sParts))

End Function

Function DoesItemExist(sList As String, _
                       sDelimiter As String, _
                       sItem As String) _
As Boolean
'Say your program receives or produces lists,
'lists that may look like this:
'   beer-bread-peaches-yams

'Notice that the list has a character that separates
'-- or delimits -- the items, a hyphen.

'One more thing: say your list may or may not
'contain certain items. That is, say you only
'want to know if beer is in your list...

'Create a dynamic array.
   Dim sItems() As String
'Put the list into the array.
   sItems = Split(sList, sDelimiter)

'Move through each item in the array,
   Dim i As Integer
   For i = LBound(sItems) To UBound(sItems)
   'searching for a specific item...
      If sItems(i) = sItem Then
      'Found it.
        DoesItemExist = True
      'We're done, so leave.
        Exit For
      End If
   Next i

End Function
Use the code comments and, if that's not enough, the Access Help file to learn how it all works.

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New member
Local time
Today, 15:49
Mar 16, 2005
hi all ...
Example Achievable
example Bearable



What's this button do?
Local time
Today, 22:19
Aug 2, 2006
I use split quite often for finding substrings.
Say you have someone's fullname, eg Joe Bloggs, and just want their first name.

Firstname = Split(fullname," ")(0)

The (0) at the end returns the first element of the (zero-based) array.
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