Assad Regime Has Fallen (1 Viewer)

It was perfectly OK for the Assad regime to use chemical weapons to kill their opposition? Not disturbing?
Everyone talks about the lake of fire, but atheists know that is useless. And most of you who AREN'T atheists should realize it, too. For example, Muslims don't have Jesus to have assured forgiveness of their sins, so the only thing they can do is to kill infidels - it is their only way to assure their "salvation" and enter into paradise. Christians are a mixed bag on this, but some pretty devout Christians during the crusades found absolution for killing non-believers. When the pulpit rhetoric makes it seem like it is a good idea to kill non-believers in your favorite sect, threats of the "lake of fire" are going to be ineffective. A typical preacher makes it clear it is the OTHER guy who is going to Hell, not devout little old you!
Everyone talks about the lake of fire, but atheists know that is useless.
Unfortunately for atheists, they will not be able to explain why after death they are still perfectly aware and alive in a different way (spiritually).

The spiritual world is more real than reality, but for some, they won't realize it until it's too late.

It was perfectly OK for the Assad regime to use chemical weapons to kill their opposition? Not disturbing?
War's of every kind are started on lies. One side believes the lie and then acts on it. The war is started. Lie's are more disturbing than any war.
Now what lies were they? One like: In July 2012, Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi stated: "No chemical or biological weapons will ever be used... All of these types of weapons are in storage and under security and the direct supervision of the Syrian armed forces and will never be used unless Syria is exposed to external aggression." Sarin, mustard gas and chlorine were deployed in Syria by the Syrian military or paramilitary forces. 336 confirmed attacks involving chemical weapons in Syria between 23 December 2012 and 18 January 2019. ISIS also perpetrated some attacks (~2%). Despicable. Deaths? Civilians > 1000 + known. Injuries/Impairment: ? Who knows. A civil war - external forces? - yes - US, France, Britain, Russia, Kurds, Turkey, Iran ... what a mess
Unfortunately for atheists, they will not be able to explain why after death they are still perfectly aware and alive in a different way (spiritually).
Nor will the believers of any faith. :unsure:

A man says that he is lying. Is what he says true or false?
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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