Auto FrontEnd Utility

If you are planning on making regular amendments, do what I did. Create a form to do the updating and recreating the accde.
I can supply code to create the accde, should you choose to go that way.
If you have only the odd amendment, then just changing the version value in the table field is quite easy.

Good luck with the rest of it. :D
Thank you so much for your help!

I was just planning on saving over the original and updating the version numbers to update. Try and keep things as simple as possible until I can get a better understanding of code.

Thanks for your help!!
Ooh, save a copy of the current DB with it's version number, THEN make your updates.
Anything goes wrong, you can revert to what was working OK.
I also had a version table that identified what changes had been made in each version.
I'll add to Gasman's advice. I set aside a place for keeping the most recent five copies of the published DB. Then, before I was ready to release, I made a backup copy of the database in my set-aside area. A part of the process (if started from the Access File tab on the ribbon) includes that the backup copy will have a DATE appended to the name so that your backups will be kept separate. Then, you just make backup copies with each new release and, once you reach the number of copies you want to retain, you just delete the oldest one. Since the whole process of making a "new release" is manual anyway, what I did was create a checklist that included resetting all linked tables to the production back-end (I had a separate development BE, you see) and moving the file to the shared directory and making the backup copy, plus whatever else was needed.

I also had a version table as did Gasman. It was necessarily somewhat brief but I always knew what I had done to improve things.
Sorry I should have explained that better.

I have a folder where I have the current released version, a folder where I backup before I modify anything and a folder where I keep the copy that I plan to make changes to. When I am happy with the changes I then save over top of the current released version.

The version table is a good idea I will add that.

Thank you for your help!!

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