"Auto Height" vs. "Can Grow" / "Can Shrink"


New member
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Yesterday, 17:52
Aug 29, 2019
Hello everybody!

I can't grasp the difference between "Auto Height" and "Can Grow" / "Can Shrink" properties which are available for some sections in reports and forms like detail section. The MS help wasn't clear.

As I understand it, "Auto Height" is the same as the other two together. Is it really so?




Thanks for any clarification.


Hi Otto. They could be doing the same thing, or at the very least, they are having the same effect. But the way I understand it, AutoHeight depends on the sizes of the controls in the section, and CanGrow depends on the data contained in the control.
cangrow also only works when printing a form (or report) it has no effect on a form viewed onscreen
@CJ - Can grow does work on a report view and a report viewed IN a form. It's good way of varying the height of a memo type field within a form for viewing purposes.

But correct it doesn't work at all on a normal form.
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your answers.

Okay now I understand it, at least theoretically. So I I've created a form with formheader visible to see it in action. The AutoHeight property for the formheader is set to Yes. At the bottom of the form I put a textfield (init height 300) who's height I set in VBA.

Private Sub cmdResizeField_Click()
Me.txtFieldToResize.Height = Me.txtFieldHeight.Value
End Sub
Now if I set the height of the textfield to say 1000, the formheaders height grows correctly. However if I set the height of the textfield back to say 100, the height of the formheader does not shrink as I would expect it.

Is this a bug or a feature ;) or do I miss something?
The use of Auto Height is unclear at best. It seems to do what CanGrow does but clearly there is some subtle distinction. Maybe it is relevant when you print a form. Unless you have time to investigate, just stick with CanGrow and CanShrink since we know what they do.
if you want to adjust a section height (header/detail/footer) after reducing the height (or top) of the lowest control, just set its height to 0 - it will then default to the minimum height it can given the bottom of the lowest control. e.g.

(header) section height=2000
lowest control - top 1500, height 300


will change the header height to 1800

edit: the above is aircode

header is me.section(1)
footer is me.section(2)
detail is me.section(0)

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