Auto-login to a website


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 03:24
Jun 23, 2010
Hey, I know this is in the wrong topic however I had no idea where to exactly put it. Anyway, here is what I am trying to do.

My company just converted to a new mail server (Microsoft Exchange, office outlook). And I was wondering if there was an easy way to auto log into the site. I have Google searched everything I know of and tried a few things. I'm sure someone knows how to or at least can point me in the right direction, I've always had good luck in the past from this forum.

buddy tell me 1st your web site,auto login means on mail?? or ftp?
It's office outlook web access. I used firefox So, what I ended up doing is downloading IMarco and making a macro that I can run after opening firefox. I tried setting up a batch file that would open firefox and load the site but it never ended up working. This marco works for now till I get mad enough to fix it correctly.

I have found that FireFiox does not work well with Outlook Web Access (OWA). I would recommnd that you use IE8 for OWA.

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