Auto Resize Button Image


Registered User.
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Today, 12:02
May 29, 2009

I am using a command button in a form named "databutton"
but their is a problem that the image.bmp is not fit to button size automatically.
is it possible that the image size will be auto fit to button size?

As far as I know, this is not possible. You either need to make the size of the button to accommodate the size of the image, or you need to use an image editing utility to create a different sized version of your image.

The exception here would be if you can use a properly configured icon (.ico) for your button, in which case the appropriately sized image from the icon set will be deployed to the button. There is some software that can be used to produce icons from images in other formats. I use Axialis IconWorkshop and can recommend it.
i use (.ico) but the access software button is not accepting that format
What about .bmp format? I use GIMP which is a free/open source software and it's pretty similar to Photoshop. Although, the one Steve uses might be easier to learn and specific to your needs.
The button images of ms access are 16x16 pixels as standard and the file format is default .bmp file. But you can also use png file. You can edit the sizing and file format in Windows' own program Paint.

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