Auto upload picture


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Today, 06:15
Jul 16, 2006
I currently have a form for all staff which has a an option to add a photo with the following:

Private Sub CmdAddPhoto_Click()

On Error GoTo errHandler
    Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    With fDialog
        fDialog.AllowMultiSelect = False
        fDialog.Title = "Select photo"
        fDialog.Filters.Add "JPEG Pictures", "*.jpg"
        fDialog.Filters.Add "BMP Pictures", "*.bmp"
        fDialog.Filters.Add "PNG Pictures", "*.png"
        fDialog.Filters.Add "All files", "*.*"
        fDialog.ButtonName = "Select"
        fDialog.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewLargeIcons
        fDialog.InitialFileName = CurrentProject.Path & "\Documentation\Crew ID Photos\Jpg"
        If fDialog.Show = True Then
        strPath = Trim(fDialog.SelectedItems(1))
        Dim lngID As Long
        lngID = CLng(Me.IDCrewMember.Value)
DoCmd.RunSQL "update tblCrewMember set Picture = '" & strPath & "' where IDCrewMember = " & lngID
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "[IDCrewMember] = " & lngID

        End If
    End With
    If (Err.Number = USER_CANC) Then
        Resume Next
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

It works perfectly but the users have provided feedback that we don't currently have a photo off all staff and is rather time consuming to check if there is a photo available in the folder.

all the photos are named in the folder as "FirstName Surname StaffNumber"

Is there a way when the form is loaded up to automatically display the picture if available in the folder or leave it blank by looking at FirstName&Surname&StaffNumber?

Hope this makes sense....:o
Almost certainly but first we will need some additional information. Is there a control on the form to display a picture? If so, what kind of control is it? Do you currently display a picture on the form? Where and how do you get that picture?
In tblCrewMember, you have the field "Picture", right? And it looks like that only contains the hyperlink to the file on your network - it doesn't contain the picture itself?

Assuming (which we should never do) that if there is a filepath, there must be a picture, then all you need to do is run a query of tblCrewMember where Picture = "".

Or am I missing something?
Yes there is a control on the form called Picture which shows the picture (properties in the attached photo)
This field is in the table too.


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The attached database may be useful to you.
Its used to display thumbnail images for selected images in a folder

I uploaded it some time ago for another thread but can't remember where ...

You may be able to adapt the code for your purposes

Also for a situation similar to yours, I have a default image 'NoPhoto.bmp' which is displayed where no photo exists for a particular person

Also attached in case its any use to you...



Let us know if you still need assistance. This is a solvable issue, probably with code.
I am an amateur :D
Everything I have accomplished is with the help of you buys!!

Yes I would more likely need more help!
The attached database may be useful to you.
Its used to display thumbnail images for selected images in a folder

I uploaded it some time ago for another thread but can't remember where ...

You may be able to adapt the code for your purposes

Also for a situation similar to yours, I have a default image 'NoPhoto.bmp' which is displayed where no photo exists for a particular person

Also attached in case its any use to you...

Is very interesting and somewhat helpful, but I would not know how to put in practice :confused:
As the quote is from my post, here is some more info about the Image Display database:

Click the Populate Image List button then select a folder containing images.
This will add all the images to the listbox.
Select any image from the list to view a thumbnail :


For info, GIF, PNG & BMP images display better in Access than the 'lossy' JPG image format

The 4 lines of code used below are the part that may be useful to you:

Private Sub lstImages_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

  Me.ImageFrame.Visible = True
  Me.ImageFrame.Picture = Me.lstImages
  Me.txtImageName = Me.lstImages.Column(1)
  Me.txtImageName.Visible = True

    Exit Sub

    strProc = Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.ProcOfLine(Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane.TopLine, 0)
    MsgBox "Error " & err.Number & " in " & strProc & " procedure : " & vbNewLine & _
        err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
    Resume Exit_Handler

End Sub

For your purposes, any staff without a photo could be assigned a default image in the image file path.

You can also click the View All Images button to open a report showing thumbnails of all images in a folder (though that's not relevant to your current needs)


If you have any questions, get back to me


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Thanks Ridders, I have learned a lot and played around the DB sample, still well complicated for me to understand all.
I have found a way round in a certain way.... I have used and AfterUpdate to write a value in a txtbox called photo, I have created a picture field in the form where the source is 'photo'
How to I get the afterupdate to write the entire path + the 'StaffNumber' + jpg (I will convert all photos to PNG as you have suggested).
the cuurent path is:
C:\Users\User\Desktop\Documentation\Staff Photos\123456.jpg
but I have to keep in mind that all the photo are stored in a sharepoint folder.
I also seems that this way if the file does not exhist it simply does not display anything and no errors flag up!


Here you go...

I've done the following to allow you to populate the Photo field.
It uses the photo path where it exists or replaces with a default 'no photo' image where the staff photo isn't available

Changes made:
1. Added 2 fields to tblStaff: PhotoPath(text); PhotoExists (Yes/No)
2. Added a module modUpdateStaffPhotos with 3 functions:
- UpdateStaffPhotos / ClearStaffPhotos / FileOrDirExists

a) FileOrDirExists is used to check if there is a specified file in the specified location
b) Modify the 3 string values in UpdateStaffPhoto function as necessary
c) Run UpdateStaffPhotos procedure to populate the 2 new fields and then modify the Photo path depending on whether the photo actually exists
d) ClearStaffPhotos is only there if you want to clear the data and start again


Thanks for your help,
I have updated the path, and leaving the jpg currently till I change the format, but one silly do I run the update photo function, is that suppose to rune every time the form is opened?
You could do that by adding it to Form_Load event

Alternatively as part of an Autoexec macro etc. Up to you
Lost again...
I created the macro, but not running the function


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You need to use brackets after the function name: UpdateStaffPhotos()
Save the macro as autoexec

It will then run when the db is opened.
However if any photos are added after the db is opened these won't be updated unless the function is run manually

If you instead use the Form_Load event, it will update each time the form is used.
It should only take a fraction of a second even if you have lots of records

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