Automatic second quotation mark, parenthesis, bracket....


Local time
Today, 13:30
Nov 1, 2012
OK, y'all have helped me with tough ones before. This one is like an annoying mosquito or fly that evades swatting and keeps coming back, annoying the heck out of me.

When i type a quotation mark, Access puts another one immediately after it. Same with parenthesis. Same with square brackets. Probably same with curly brackets.

How do i make it stop!!!???

Best Regards,
without knowing where you are typing - which app (since this is the general section), in a form? vba? a macro? word?. When you refer to parenthesis and square brackets do you mean you get (( or ()? and [[ or []?

it is standard practice for double quotes in vba e.g.

.Filter = ""

you can put text between them

in vba, type the word

function x

and vba will automatically provide a couple of brackets and the end phrase.
Function x()

End Function
Do you have an editing support add-in to Access? Normally, punctuation marks are like all other characters, one tap = one character. However, it is possible to have add-ins that affect your typing by anticipating what you are going to type next. So... in what context does this occur?
Forgive me folks, specifically typing VBA in the VBE.. I'm afraid i get into a mindset and think everyone else is in my little world... And three addins are running-
Rubberduck (the most likely culprit)
MZ Tools
Access Developer Tools

Since from what you're telling me i doubt it has anything to do inherently with Access, i'll start looking there for what i likely "tweaked" and forgot about...

Three add-ins at once? Remove them all and then reinstate them one at a time. That will be a tedious but sure-fire way to identify the culprit. The problem with tools for editing or developing code is that they have to "intercept" inputs so they can react correctly for the given inputs. But each such layer of interception offers an opportunity of conflict between two interceptors.
It will be one of your addins
I could not get used to that behaviour, so removed mine.
I seem to recall I used Rubber duck.
Either get used to it, as it is trying to make you more efficient, or see if there are options to switch some/all of them off, if there are other features you use.
You can set/unset this option if you use Rubberduck:


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Three add-ins at once? Remove them all and then reinstate them one at a time. That will be a tedious but sure-fire way to identify the culprit. The problem with tools for editing or developing code is that they have to "intercept" inputs so they can react correctly for the given inputs. But each such layer of interception offers an opportunity of conflict between two interceptors.
The multiple addins are because:
MZTools: Installed strictly for use in Excel. Unfortunately i can't tell it that...
RubberDuck: Installed because i like to have an addin that will sweep all code and reformat. It had many other functions that i didn't need but i was hanging on to it for an opportunity to understand just what it proposed it could do.
Access Developer Tools: Extremely few tools for the price i paid, but it has one (and i think the ONLY function it brings) that it will go through EVERYTHING in a search or search & replace and fix. Code, Forms, Properties, SQL statements,... I have noted that it does sometimes miss an instance, but just having this major sweep has helped me very much in that as i am learning i sometimes do make sweeping changes. Perhaps if i get good at this stuff i won't need it, but now i suspect it save me hours of tedious searching.

Will blow out Rubber Duck and see where i am, and as always, thank you so much for your help!

Best Regards,
also check this one.
the above keeps on adding Pair of quotation marks and has erratic behavior.
i no longer uses it.
Uhg. I REALLY like that one when i am working on Excel! Maybe it is just a setting i can fix... Wish it could have been contained to Excel-
Will blow out Rubber Duck and see where i am, and as always, thank you so much for your help!
No need to do that just beacuse of this.
Just unset the option.

I have addins in Excel which are not shown in Access?
It will be one of your addins
I could not get used to that behaviour, so removed mine.
I seem to recall I used Rubber duck.
Either get used to it, as it is trying to make you more efficient, or see if there are options to switch some/all of them off, if there are other features you use.

-and the way i feel right now, yes, i am shouting a great thanx to you!
You can set/unset this option if you use Rubberduck:
Outstanding! I will check and advise.

Unfortunately (haha) i have to get back to business right now, the messages are starting to pile up and as i support other businesses, if i intend to keep putting bread on the table, i best jump. Look forward to trying everything all you good people have given me with which to work! Have a GREAT DAY!
Access Developer Tools: [...] I have noted that it does sometimes miss an instance,
Check the Find and Replace version history. There were some small update releases that fixed a couple of issues of this kind.

If you can pin down a property or scenario where it still fails to find something, let the Access DevTools support know. If such a problem is reproducible, it usually gets fixed in the next release.

(Disclosure: I'm the co-owner of Access DevTools)
No need to do that just beacuse of this.
Just unset the option.

I have addins in Excel which are not shown in Access?
I have also, i don't know why this one does but i will have to check settings of it as i have been using Excel for decades but only recently started using Access after about a 12 year lapse. And tell me, why the heck do they name controls the same as in Excel that look the same, but have entirely alien properties and methods??? How insane a journey it has been! I naturally will start writing code or looking for properties the same way i did before and for a few moments while my brain catches up can't understand why it doesn't work!
why the heck do they name controls the same as in Excel that look the same, but have entirely alien properties and methods???

Perhaps because the code was designed in Nevada's Area 51? Or maybe they just want to keep you buying self-help books, knowing that the answer you want won't be in them anyway. But then again, I have been known to take a slightly cynical tone on some Office features.

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