Autonumber start at 500

As usual, Brent gets it.

I totally spaced out on that argument parts, thinking that the code didn't have any.
Thanks Bannana ... but the tip about the Class vs Standard module you posted is good too!! ...
One more thing ccg.. you're step by step should be ....

copy the code. open VB. INSERT->New Module. Paste.

Display the immediate window (View -> Immediate Window),
type "SetAutoNumber InvoiceID, 550" and then hit the <Enter> key.
Worked my way through it

One more thing ccg.. you're step by step should be ....

copy the code. open VB. INSERT->New Module. Paste.

Display the immediate window (View -> Immediate Window),
type "SetAutoNumber InvoiceID, 550" and then hit the <Enter> key.
will *A LOT* of help from my friends (beatles tune in bg...). Thanks so much y'all I got it working now. I never knew about the Immediate window or even how to call a procedure.

You learn something new everyday they say, so I guess I can go to sleep now! Thanks again for the help!:D

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