Bang and dot?

Question mark. Never heard question point.
I don't think so. What do our transatlantic cousins call a "?" - question point or question mark or query or something else entirely ? And I use shriek rather than bang.


or Char(63)?

<- is wondering why Uncle decided to separate the USA & UK with a virgule...

P.S. for laughs, I found out that in some Slavic countries "@" is referred to as "Monkey".

Now I think you're just taking the slash..:D

Mind you I knew someone who thought dot com was referring to ;
Now I think you're just taking the slash..:D

Virgule can also refer to the vertical bar | which is often called a "pipe" in computing after its usage to send output of one command to another.

Virgule is the French and Portuguese word for a comma.
Now I think you're just taking the slash..:D

Nope. Were I taking the slash I'd rather do it with with a Voulge. Much better tool for the job.
I was aware it was a slash. I was taking the piss... :rolleyes:

However I didn't know it could refer to the pipe symbol

Thought I'd look up other names for backslash:
It is sometimes called a hack, whack, escape (from C/UNIX), reverse slash, slosh, downwhack, backslant, backwhack, bash, reverse slant, and reversed virgule

Then of course we have the pilcrow

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